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Everything posted by adamp99

  1. Is it possible to hard code the datasource in the same way that you can hard code a link to an image in the Jasper Server repository? Somthing like: "repo:/Data Sources/"Datasource1" Thanks
  2. As this isn't just me, I have logged it as a bug (#2640)
  3. We have just upgraded from 4 to 5. We have one report that is purely used as a way of launching other reports (loads of images with hyperlinks on each one). Where there is a link to another report that that has an Input Control, the input control opens but is blank and you cannot get it to dispaly the Input Control properly . All hyperlinks are created as follows: Hyperlink Type - ReportExecution Link Parameter Name - _report Parameter Class Name - java.lang.String Value Expression - "repo:/fiolder1/folder2/report_name" Hyperlinks work correctly where there is no Input Control. Any thought would be greatly appreciated
  4. Whenever you create a folder it becomes part of the path. The underscores are because you have spaces. This is the Resource ID for the folder. You cannot change this. All you can do is HaveAFolderNameWithoutSpaces if that helps Please see attached
  5. It may be easier to do this in the underlying query. In SQL - ROUND(YourData,-1)
  6. Maybe you could try the following Say COLUMN1, COLUMN2, COLUMN3 Create a copy of COLUMN3 and place it in the same position as COLUMN2 Then use the "Print When Expression" to define when each of the columns are visible (this will only be displayed in preview)
  7. I am trying to create the most simple pie chart. I have calculted all the data for the pie chart usng SQL and so I just need to display it in iReport. Here is an example of what my data looks like: APPLES | BANANAS | PEARS | ORANGES 50 | 20 | 5 | 16 All I want to do is have the Field Names (Apples, Bananas ...) as the Data Labels and the amounts for each as the data. I can't find any information on how to do this. Any advice would be much appreciated Post Edited by adamp99 at 06/01/2012 10:28
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