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Everything posted by alman73

  1. Hi everyone, I have a Pie chart and drill-down works fine there for every slice except of one – ‘Other section’ which was appeared when parameter ‘Max slices to show’ had been set. I used Reference Type hyperlink like $P{URL}+"?reportName=MyRep="+$F{STATUS}+"&workflow="+$F{STATE} for chart and tried the same on ‘Other section hyperlink’ tab but sub-report didn’t receive proper data from Other section. It pulled data for one of slices but not for Other section. I'd appreciate somebody show me the right way of creating Other section hyperlink Thanks in advance
  2. Thanks for your answer. But I asked about adhoc report - not a view. And if I choose another datasource with a different DB schema for the domain – adhoc reports that had been created earlier will stop working.
  3. I uploaded adhoc report from dev to prod which has data source with a differant database schema but with the same table. And the report raise exception. I believe it’s because of every view in domain has schema prefix and adhoc report use it. Is there any possibility to move adhoc reports between domains with a different schema names ? Thanks in advance
  4. Thanks a lot for your response but it will not help. All elements are aligned properly. The problem is that empty column is appearing between crosstab columns . If there were overlap outside of the crosstab the empty column would appear somewhere outside of the crosstab.
  5. Hi All, We have several reports based on crosstab element with a big amount of columns. When we have such report exported to Excel – there are always one empty extra thin column which appears between other columns generated by crosstab which which are not empty. Thanks.
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