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Everything posted by lana80

  1. Is this still available, link is dead? Where can I found some example for JR 3.0.0? Thanks
  2. Sure is in where clause, but it is much more complex... Thanks anyway
  3. Hi, I need help. I need to compare dates from invoices with date range wich is filter, and to print if range is covered, partialy coverd and etc. with invoices by code... Example: Table Invoices ID Code StartDate EndDate 1 111 1.5.2012. 31.5.2012. 2 111 1.7.2012. 20.7.2012. 3 111 25.7.2012. 31.7.2012. 4 222 1.4.2012. 15.4.2012 5 222 18.4.2012. 30.4.2012. Filter: 1.5.2012. - 5.6.2012. Result that I need to get is: for code 111 partialy coverd code 222 - invoice missing Filter: 1.5.2012. - 31.5.2012. Result that I need to get is: for code 111 fully coverd code 222 - invoice missing Filter: 1.6.2012. - 30.6.2012. Result that I need to get is: for code 111 - invoice missing code 222 - invoice missing etc... Please help! EDIT: Maybe, better question is how to find gaps in dates for site code, comparing with filer? Post Edited by lana80 at 06/04/2012 12:09
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