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  1. Thanks for your help! this is exactly what I was looking for!
  2. Create Database SaleSample; Use SaleSample; CREATE TABLE `salesperson` ( `SalesId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`SalesId`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `project` ( `ProjectId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Description` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ProjectId`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=9 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `personproject` ( `Id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ProjectId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `SalesId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `MonthId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `Proj` decimal(15,2) DEFAULT NULL, `Act` decimal(15,2) DEFAULT NULL, `Chg` decimal(7,6) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=97 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE `monthlookup` ( `MonthId` int(11) NOT NULL, `Month` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, `Quarter` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`MonthId`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
  3. I thought I had attached the CREATE TABLE statements earlier. I also attached Excel file containing the data that I used to import into TOAD. Hope this helps! Your chart is almost perfect, but I would like SaleP1 Projected and SaleP1 Actual for January side by side (like the screenshot I had attached earlier). Is that even possible? Thanks so much for your help!
  4. Thanks for you reply! I am really new to iReports, so I am not sure what you mean by template? I have attached the SQL statements and a screenshot of the of the Report template.
  5. I am trying to create a bar chart that looks similar to the chart that is attached! Here is the SQL: select Name, Month, sum(proj) as Projected, sum(act) as Actual FROM monthlookup inner join personproject on monthlookup.MonthId = personproject.MonthId inner join salesperson on salesperson.SalesId = personproject.SalesId inner join project on personproject.ProjectId = project.ProjectId where Quarter = 1 group by monthlookup.MonthId, salesperson.SalesId; I have 1 category Series: Series Expression $F{Month}, Category Expression $F{Name}, Value Expression $F{Projected} The problem is when I create another Category Series and replace $F{Projected} with $F{Actual} all I get is the Actual data. I need Projected and Actual side by side in each month. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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