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Everything posted by andrqxa

  1. I was given the cue that the problem is known. See here http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/911096/always-prompt-not-working-hyperlink So, I changed Link Taget from 'Self" to "Top" and links works as expected now. But I suppose that it is bug
  2. Hello everyone! I'm converting Jasper 3.7 Pro reports to Lasper 6.* and I've met one strange problem. There are 2 report: `Parent` and `Child`. `Parent` has text field `Change` which has links to `Child` (type of links is ReportExecution plus parameter OldName). `Child` has two parameters OldName without default value and NewName with default empty string "". On the server was set input control property "Always prompt" to TRUE and in additional to OldName paremeter added NewName parameter. (both of them are not mandatory) But when I click on `Change` field into `Parent` report, then `Child` report's executed immediately (i.e. without calling of choosing parameter dialog) This dialog's appeared only when I added "mandatory" to NewName and remove its default value from `Child` report This behavor works coorectly on 3.7 version and doesn't work on 6.1 Could anybody explain is there any way to fix this issue, please?
  3. In my situation (I'm using JasperStudio) I added new scriptlet to "Scriptlet Srction" of report Inspector. I.e. didn't edit default REPORT_SCRIPTLET but added new. In class of this scriptlet I put full name of my scriptlet class (i.e. "com.company.MyScriptlet") And then PUBLISH my report to Server (in terms of Jasper Studio. After that you can work with you scriptlet as <SCRIPTLET_NAME>.<METHOD_NAME_OF_SCRIPTLET> for example: Scriptlet <scriptlet name="MeasureScriptlet" class="com.mera.commprove.scriptlet.MeasureScriptlet"> <scriptletDescription><![CDATA[]]></scriptletDescription> </scriptlet>[/code]in report you can use expressions like this MeasureScriptlet.getData() (you have to have method getData of course) P.S. and add jasperserver.jar as a library to you scriptlet project
  4. I have found the solution. May be it will help somebody. In main report created parameter NAME_OF_MY_PARAMETER with type of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource Created scriptlet In scriptlet beforeReportInit() method received value of REPOT_CONNECTION parameter Connection conn = (Connection) this.parametersMap.get("REPORT_CONNECTION").getValue();[/code] Run query which I needed and received result (ArrayList in my cause) Processed result and got ArrayList which I needed (i.e. added additional rows) override setData method in scriptlet public void setData(Map parameters, Map fields, Map variables, JRFillGroup[] groups) { super.setData(parameters, fields, variables, groups); JRFillParameter parameter = (JRFillParameter) parameters.get("NAME_OF_MY_PARAMETER"); parameter.setValue(JRMeasureDataSourceFactory.getDataSource(measures));}[/code]call setData in beforeReportInit method of scriptlet In main report created subreport and as a DataSource of it set parameter NAME_OF_MY_PARAMETER in subreport left its query as empty (or as select 1) added field to subreport which had type and name which I need created chart which I needed
  5. Hi all, Can anybody give right direction in solving such problem. I have query (MySQL) which returned as result table with fields: "year", "month", "day", "hour", "someValue_1", . . . , "someValue_4". My customer wants that I added HTML5 Chart (StackedColumn) to report (I work with Pro-version). And this chart must always have 24 samples (on X-Axis) , but it's problem, because there are some empty values, i.e. we have hour like this 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10 My questions are: 1) Which method should I use to add empty rows to table, i.e. if there is not hour number 3, I have to add row which hour = 3 and all values = 0; 2) Can I into scriptlet load ALL values ALL rows(fields) in local variable? And then change it? Best regards, Andrew
  6. Hello, everybody! Is there way to combine arbitrary graphs in one chart? Yes, I know about ColumnLine/ColumnSpline chart, but this chart allow me have only one (last) graph as Line/Spline whereas I need 2 columns and 2 lines. I found helpfull article: 1) http://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-and-series-types/combining-chart-types About combining chart types in highchart library. BUT I can't apply this info to Jasper Studio. How can I point JasperSttudio to use type of series? BR, Andrey
  7. Can somebody convert Pie chart to HTML5 one? How can you convert this type of chart if there are more than 1 series in pie? i.e. I have Pie3D <pie3DChart> <chart theme="aegean"> <reportElement x="583" y="97" width="350" height="180" uuid="57f9d143-e18d-4f2d-a001-e4b09f76da72"/> <chartTitle/> <chartSubtitle/> <chartLegend/> </chart> <pieDataset> <pieSeries> <keyExpression><![CDATA["XX"]]></keyExpression> <valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{Call_TotalXX}]]></valueExpression> <labelExpression><![CDATA[$F{CallPCentXX}.toString()+"%"]]></labelExpression> </pieSeries> <pieSeries> <keyExpression><![CDATA["YY"]]></keyExpression> <valueExpression><![CDATA[$F{Call_TotalYY}]]></valueExpression> <labelExpression><![CDATA[$F{CallPCentYY}.toString()+"%"]]></labelExpression> </pieSeries> </pieDataset> <pie3DPlot> <plot/> <itemLabel color="#000000" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"/> </pie3DPlot> How convert if to HTML5 Pie, if this type of chart has only 1 Mesure?
  8. I'm resolved this problem like this. 1) I clear (may be this step unnessasary) .eclipse folder in c:/user/. So do I with folder. 2) I change proxy type to "Manual" (Window->Preferences->Network Connections) and edit HTTP and HTTPS "Schema". !!!! Attention !!! SOCKS schema MUST BE empty! 3) Then I'm restarted eclipse from command line (Win-R "cmd") (or from Far command line etc.) with "-clean" option. I.e. "eclipse -clean" 4) Then I'm added my Jasper Report Server and all worked fine.
  9. SOLVED: I'm resolved this problem like this. 1) I clear (may be this step unnessasary) .eclipse folder in c:/user/<my_name>. So do I with <workspace> folder. 2) I change proxy type to "Manual" (Window->Preferences->Network Connections) and edit HTTP and HTTPS "Schema". !!!! Attention !!! SOCKS schema MUST BE empty! 3) Then I'm restarted eclipse from command line (Win-R "cmd") (or from Far command line etc.) with "-clean" option. I.e. "eclipse -clean" 4) Then I'm added my Jasper Report Server and all worked fine p.s. it's work on 32-bit Windows7 machine with java6u45 and proxy
  10. Changed Priority from High to Urgent Changed Status from Assigned to Confirmed I have the same problem too. I've download eclipse-jee-kepler-R-win32.zip (eclipse 4.3) and installed Jasper Studio 5.2 from eclipse marketplace. And all been allright till it's given to me new PC with Windows 7 on it. Now i can't connect neither local jasper Server nor one on remote server on our network. I try to update Jasper Studio to 5.5 version but it's failed to connect too.
  11. Hi, can I use variable in query directly or it's allowed for parameteres only? in my report i want to pass 2-gigit integer to set date within current month (yes, i know about date type) or if another parameter set to boolean true (or integer 1) i have to ignore that 2-digit integer this is my parameters: 1) DAY_OF_CALC type: java.lang.Integer default - 0 2) ALL_DAYS type: java.lang.Integer default - 0 and variable 1) CALCDAY type: java.lang.Integer initial value expression : ($P{DAY_OF_CALC} == null ? new Integer(0).intValue() : new Integer($P{DAY_OF_CALC}).intValue()+1) this is sql-code AND (CAST($P{ALL_DAYS} AS INTEGER) = 1 OR EPC."DAYOFCALCULATION" < $V{CALCDAY}) then i run a report and get exception " Caused by: com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: [jcc][t4][1061][10303][3.62.56] A syntactical error is in a condition ESCAPE. ПодробноÑти Ñмотрите в прикрепленном модуле Throwable. ERRORCODE=-4463, SQLSTATE=42601 " i try to use parameter CALC_DAY instead of variable like this parameter CALC_DAY type: java.lang.Integer default value expression: ($P{DAY_OF_CALC} == null ? new Integer(0).intValue() : new Integer($P{DAY_OF_CALC}).intValue()+1) and then i rewrite sql : AND (CAST($P{ALL_DAYS} AS INTEGER) = 1 OR EPC."DAYOFCALCULATION" < $P!{CALC_DAY}) when i run report it was generated successfully, but when i integrate my report in program i get error "!Forinputstring__!" if i not filled CALC_DAY-field P.S.sorry for my terrible english
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