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  1. Thanks for the quick answer! You mean at the Header band from the report? I tried that but the problem is I have more things before the table and I might even have more than one table like this :S
  2. Hi, I have to make a table that might be wider than the tipical page size. As a solution I plan to create the report with the size of the table, setting the width property with the table width value, but I don´t know if I will be able to print it normally or if I should set some property in order to print it correctly. I also need to export the report in htm and pdf formats, do those formats support page sizes bigger than a typical page? Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi, I have a problem when creating a table like this one. I tried making it using the list component, but when the table is at the end of the page it doesn´t repeat any header. Now I changed it again and I used frames with static text for the top headers, the problem is that when the table is too long for the page and it breaks it only repeats the headers from the table and I would need to repeat the top header too. Is there any way to make this happen? Any help would be great!! I tried everything I could think of but nothing works so far.. Thanks!
  4. Is it possible to do this now? I would really need something like this. Is there a way to simulate this behaviour? Thanks in advance, Lucia
  5. I would really need this functionality, and my preference would also be (1). This would help us a lot.
  6. Are you using a table component? If so, in the dataset run of the table did you create a new JRBeanCollectionDataSource($P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}) ? I think you may be consuming the datasource with the first table and when you get to the second one you have already used it.
  7. Hi, Does jasper support reports which are of multiple pages? I have a static report which contains more than one page to deal with. It also grows when data grows, but before filling it, it already has at least 2 pages of static content and it needs to be part of one single JRXML. I tried it using page breaks, but I don't know in which x, y coordinates to put the elements that go after the break. If it's possible, can you give some reference samples? Thanks in advance!
  8. Did you try using a virtualizer? There are 3 types, I read something about it here http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/542856/ireport-460-disabling-uuid-propertie-generation http://itblackbelt.wordpress.com/2008/02/29/generating-huge-reports-in-jasperreports/ hope it helps!
  9. Hi! I have a problem using table components with JRBeanDataSources. I'm trying to make a report that has a table and in one of the columns the cell content is another table. The bean has an attribute "addresses" that is a list and I want it to be the data source for the second table. I tried to declare the datasetrun like this <datasetRun subDataset="DataSetTabla2"> <dataSourceExpression> <![CDATA[new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRBeanCollectionDataSource($F{addresses})]]> </dataSourceExpression> </datasetRun> the field addresses is declared in the first table and is of type list. Any ideas how I can make this work? Thanks in advance!
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