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  1. Yes, we are finally using similar SQL. It seems there is no option at iReport level to merge two datasets. Would be a point in next version of iReport as wish list.
  2. Hello All, We have a report requiement where in we will need to merge the two datasets based on one or multiple common fileds from both the datasets. We are using Jasper iReport 4.5.0 Example: Dataset one has NWID, Name, Category, Amount Second dataset has NWID, Name, SV_Amount We can use NWID to merge/join above two datasets based on NWID which is a common field in both datasets. We need to display NWID, Name, Total Amount (Amount+SV_Amount) in iReport. (Please note: above two datasets are based on different sets of tables. We may not be able to use union as we don't have same sets of columns.) Is there any option/workaround to achieve above requirement. Please suggest. Thanks, Manoj
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