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Everything posted by fabioparoni

  1. Hi liw, thanks for reply. Your example uses a Parameter to set the query in the subreport. So, following your example, iReport will ask me the value I want to set for that param before compiling the report and the subreport. Instead I need that the param is automatically set for the query in the subreport taking the value of the primary key of the table used in the main report. The query in the subreport should be something like this: SELECT id, division FROM user_account where company_name = $P{Primary Key From table in main report} Is it possible? Thanks in advance Fabio
  2. Hi guys, I have a main report that shows information about two contacts (name and surname) taken from a database table. In the subreport I want to show below the name of each contact all the emails of each one. Emails are stored in another database table. Example: Name1 , Surname1 firstemailof1@email.com ------------------------------------------------ Name2 , Surname2 firstemailof2@email.com secondemailof2@email.com I need to authomatically pass the id of each person to the subreport to select all the emails of each one. But how can I do that? I'm using iReport 4.5.1. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi guys, is it possible to make a call to a REST web service and retrieve data to show inside the report ? I'm using iReport 4.5.1. Thanks in advance! Fabio
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