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Everything posted by jogo

  1. Ok folks, today I spent some time figuring out, what is causing the issue. After validating, that the font extension is installed correctly I started looking into the report itself. I changed type of barcode from Barbecue to Barcode4J and voila, the value was present in the generated PDF! The Barbecue library is pretty old (last update in 2007) and JasperReporst 4.5.1 is shipped with this version. Also in teh forum users reported the same problem: http://sourceforge.net/projects/barbecue/forums/forum/266281/topic/4726228 And now I've just dicovered, there is actually a workaroud for it, straight here on the forum. So I'm gonna try it out: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=22849
  2. Hi Guys, this is my very first post here :o) We developed a servlet, running in Tomcat 5.5 container, which consumes XML file and replies with PDF generated document. All works fine on Windows machines. But when we deployed the war achive to the target environment, which is Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.5 (Tikanga) we discovered, that barcode values, which are usually placed at the bottom of the generated bar codes are not included in the generated PDFs on Red Hat. The we did a bit of googling and found a bunch of good hints: http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/jw-presentations/JW11_JasperReports_Tips_And_Tricks_TeodorDanciu%2002.pdf http://mdahlman.wordpress.com/2010/05/28/jaspersoft-v3-7-font-extensions/ http://grysz.com/2010/06/01/use-custom-fonts-in-jasperreports-pdf-exporter/ We use the recent version of Jasper Reports 4.5.1 and I discovered there is already prepared jar file containing font extension jasperreports-fonts-4.5.1.jar. So we put it on the classpath, but without any success. So my question is, if we need to configure something else in reports (all reports use defautl SansSerif font, which is included in the extension). Do we need to specify this somewhere explicitly? Or it is a problem of Red Hat OS? Or Java execution environment on Red Hat? Any clues are very welcome. Tahnk you.
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