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  1. Maybe make it more simple, I have five subreport in a main report. The subreport is being put in Group header. I have set each group to start a new page and set group expression to null. I am using Ireport 1.2.6. But the subreport always come to same page, it cannot come to a new page. --------header1 Subreport1 ____ header 2 Subreport2 --------header3 Subreport3 ----------header4 Subreport4 ---------------header5 Subreport5 --------------------- Please help. Thanks.
  2. Dear all, I have a main report with 5 sub report being put in different group header. I have set the group option of each group to start a new page on a group. But it does not works, the different sub report is shown on the same page. Then I try to set the report properties of the sub report, I check the option of "Title on a new page", now the sub report will not go to the same page when the report is print, but here comes a problem. Between each sub report , a blank page will be shown, I guess it is because I set the " Title on a new page". So how to make the sub report in different page but no blank page will be added? I am using Ireport 1.2.6. So there is no page break to add in the main report. Please help. Thanks.
  3. Dear all, I have a main report which have five subreport, I want to add a page break between subreport. But I cannot find the way to insert Page break. ireport does not have the Edit--> Insert Page-> Column Break option. So how can I insert Page break in Ireport 1.2.6.? Thanks.
  4. Dear all, I have created a main report with five groups named as SR1,SR2,SR3,SR4,SR5. I place five sub report in five different group header. But the output result is that the sub report will goto same page. I want each subreport to start a new page. This question has been asked before but it only address two subreport . Now I have five sub report. Please help. Thanks.
  5. Dear all, I have a master report with few subreport. And then I tried to show one subreport. There exist 95 pages. And some data is shown normally in the report. But strange is that the there exist some blank report between the pages. The blank report prints the background of the subreport. I am using iReport 1.2.6. I have tried many methods. But the blank page still exist. I am doubtiong is there exist some blank row in the subreport, but if it is, how the header static text is not shown in the blank page. The blank page only shown backgrounds. So how to solved that? Thanks.
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