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Everything posted by palashkaralit

  1. Hi, I am working with OLAP schemas to generate my reports. I need to implement internationalization in my reports as part of the requirements. I have implemented internationalization using jasperreports(jrxml). But I can't figure out any way how to do it when I am using OLAP schemas. I cant find any option to add a resource bundle file.Please help. Thanks.
  2. Sherman,is there any other way to do this.I dont want to pass username and password using url. Please help.
  3. Hello, I am from India,kolkata,I am also looking for training for Jasper Bi....
  4. Thanks fo your reply.Let me find out the document.In case any one having expose on this please post.
  5. Hi, I need to know can we make geographical reports using Fusion charts which is available in jasperserver without flash only using HTML. Please help me on this.In case if you have any document please share with us.
  6. Dear ALL, Currently i am trying to integrate Jasper dashboard to my portal application.How can i integrate the dashboard whih i have created in jasper server portal. I did it using iframe from a jsp and called the dashboard using url and passing the authentication. It is resolving the issue but its not secure. URL: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=dashboardRuntimeFlow&dashboardResource=%2Forganizations%2Forganization_1%2Fsupermart%2FSupermartDashboard30&viewAsDashboardFrame=true&j_username=superuser&j_password=superuser How i need to do this without passing the authentication details through url. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
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