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  1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blah Blah Blah | | | <-- Page 1 | total | 10 | 20 | 30 | 60 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blah Blah Blah | | | <-- Page 2 | total | 10 | 20 | 30 | 60 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Blah Blah Blah | | | <-- Page 3 | total | $v{123} | 10 | 70 | 90 | <-- footer 1 | Overall total | $v{abc} | 30 | 100 | 150 | <-- footer 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi My question here is how can i sum up the "Overall total" by getting the value from "total"? For example a variable $v{abc} for Overall total is created and it properties I set to: Variable Class: java.math.BigDecimal Calculation : Sum Reset type : Report Reset group : - increment type : None increment group:- ...... Variable Expression: $v{123} =================================================== The output result for Overall total is wrong so anyway for me to fix it? thanks for help.
  2. Hi ranjitzulu thank you for the reply thank you In case is the state, district, and year are reference to the header 2 because there are footer 2. the state and year can only show when it come into the final district of that state. so can I do something like this?By putting this condition in the print when expression new Boolean($V{PAGE_COUNT}.intValue() > 1) thank you ^^ hoho
  3. The attached is the image I drawn and It also can be represent as my question that I want to ask. now the everything almost done and the only thing is when I look on the PDF (Generated by ireport) It give me the thing that as I mention in the image so How can I make it be the format that I want p/s: is there any ireport reference book sell on the market? thank you Post Edited by ilovebbq at 03/16/2012 02:57
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