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Everything posted by rubywei

  1. I export the report to pdf style, and my report contains some Chinese code... So I put the iText.jar, iTextAsian.jar and iTextAsianCmaps.jar in the classpath, and modify the 3 properties following... pdfFontName=”STSong-Light” isPdfEmbedded =”true” pdfEncoding =”UniGB-UCS2-H" But when I export it to pdf, errors happened like this: Could not load the following font... PLZ help me ~~~
  2. I was designing a Bar3D report in studio, and the datasource is mysql,just a very simple report, but when I click the "Preview" button, errors happened as follows: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Too many groovy classes were generated. Please make sure that you don't use Groovy features such as closures that are not supported by this report compiler. who knows why?plz help me~~~
  3. In the process of installing JasperReports Server, a dialog of error happened, click "ok" then installing is over... The picture I attached is the dialog of error..I don't know why... In the installing file, a log file remained...Maybe there are some installing error information inside it.. plz help me!
  4. In the process of installing JasperReports Server, a dialog of error happened, click "ok" then installing is over... The picture I attached is the dialog of error..I don't know why... In the installing file, a log file remained...Maybe there are some installing error information inside it.. plz help me!
  5. I have used mysql as the database when I tested the jdbc datasource, and no error happened. When I touch "test"button, it will show us a dialog: successful. Do you remember to connect the driver classpath for mysql?
  6. I have tried to use Excel file as the data source, and it work well, the report can read data from it. But when I tried to use XML file as the data source, it can't work, it can't get fields from the XML file... I can't find the code to parse XML data source from the source code of Jaspersoft Studio1.0.7 ... Who can tell me, Jaspersoft Studio1.0.7 can't parse XML file as data source???
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