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  1. Did you ever get an answer for this? I need to do something very similar and haven't found any reference on how to do it. Thanks
  2. I am having an issue getting a pdf file to render content. It is a large PDF of images (no fonts) and it is about 32 pages. When I run the report, I get 32 blank pages. When I open the PDF in MS Word, re-save it as a PDF from MS Word, and re-run the report, Jaspersoft will then render the content. This is not a viable solution, however; just a symptom of the problem. The new pdf file doesn't have the images aligned properly and I cannot expect my customer to do this for all of the pdf's currently in their database. Please help me solve this problem as it is causing my customer issues. I get no errors, only an empty 32 page report.Thank you I am using this version:Jaspersoft Studio - Visual Designer for JasperReports. Copyright © 2010 - 2014 TIBCO Software Inc. All rights reserved.
  3. sottersen

    Blushed Rose

    It appears to have worked all along except the sql editor implied that the query was not valid (red squiggly's under the expression). I went ahead and saved anyway and got the results I expected. Thanks for your replies.
  4. it it seems that even though the query shows an error, the sql will still run and return the desired results
  5. it seems that even though the query shows an error, the sql will still run and return the desired results
  6. not obvious to me but i finally figured out that you have to double click on the crosstab ub tge designer and it will provide you with the details
  7. I have a crosstab report and am unable to view any details under the crosstab node in the outline. I see videos on line that show how to add an additional measure but I cannot find the functionality in the application. please advise http://community-static.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/bug_files/crosstabhelp.png
  8. I have a query that includes the following function call: round(ratio_to_report(count(*)) over(partition by oh.parent_organization_id) * 100,2)||'%' percentageIt runs fine in SQL Developer but will not compile when I attempt to include it in my sql query in the reporting tool. Is there something I need to do to allow Jaspersoft Studio to recognize the function? Please advise.
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