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Everything posted by ndipiazza

  1. Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same problem.
  2. Here is the JRXML source: http://pastebin.com/n8bP228F# Do you have any ideas how I might be able to fix this? I'm at a loss.
  3. In jasperstudio 5.6.2.Final I'd like to compile a report using JDK8 api features such as java.time.*. But when I try to compile the report in jasper studio, it's based on JDK7 completely so the JDK8 reference is unavailable. When is JDK8 support for Jasper Studio coming?
  4. Wolverto_1: The screenshot is all funn looking because I had to hand adjust each X coordinate so that the data would line up. i will try your suggestion to see if it will help.
  5. can make this an answer if you want. I'll start working on it and comment on your answer if i have questions. Sound good?
  6. I have headers/details in the jasper reports studio. everything about this works wonderful minus one annoying thing I have to constantly line up the column headers with the details to make the alignments act correctly... even though i match the alignment exactly in the designer. This is probably because I have a different font style on Header versus detail... or something? I'm not sure. I can workaround the issue by manually tweaking X-coords, export the report, make sure they line up, until it looks nice... resulting in a designer like this: Shows the issue with alignment of header versus column: Notice how I moved the values in the Detail 1 band to the left so that the report with actual values lines up the columns correctly. I must just be doing something wrong right? Why do I have to do this manual tweak to get things to look ok?
  7. Assumptions:REMOTE_IP is the ip address sql server is bound to port 1433 listening for tcp/ip traffic. And database name is jasper. Instead of using the plain ole sqljdbc.jar driver to connect to SQL Server, we will utilize a product called jTDS to connect to the SQL Server. This is because it allows JDBC to connect to SQL server using Windows Authentication mode instead of SQL mode. Steps: Install jasper server 4.5.x Get jTDS 1.2.5 (or whatever is latest should work). You may have noticed that there is a few DLLs in that jTDS package. Don't worry! The driver still works in Linux. You just cannot do single-sign on in Linux of course like Windows can. Extract jtds-*.jar to $jasperserver/apache-tomcat/lib Edit $jasperserver/apache-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml and add the following element before </Context> Edit $jasperserver/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/web.xml and add a new <resource-ref> for the new datasource: Connection Description jdbc/sqlserver javax.sql.DataSource Container Create a new database name "jasper" and grant read* permissions to the Active Directory account you desire to use. Run this script for test purposes: create table test (test varchar(50) NULL) insert into test values ('1') insert into test values ('2') insert into test values ('3') Create a new JSP file $jasperserver/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/test.jsp <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/sql" prefix="sql" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <sql:query datasource="jdbc/sqlserver" var="rs"> select test from test </sql:query> <html><head> <title>DB Test</title> </head> <body> Results<c:forEach var="i" items="${rs.rows}"> Text Message: <c:out value="${i.test}"/> </c:forEach> </body></html>[/code] Start jasperserver's tomcat. Login, and test http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/test.jsp You should see the rows 1, 2 and 3 from the test table. If it doesn't work... review the previous steps and see what went wrong. Simply create a jasper server JNDI datasource by going to: Datasources -> New Data source -> Type: JNDI data source. -> JNDI lookup is: /jdbc/sqlserver Create your tables and test your report.
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