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Everything posted by ttong

  1. I am generating a report with contacts that span across different pages. Previously I had isSplitAllowed set to "true". But I don't want a contact to split across different pages. So I set it to "false", the layout of the report looked much better. However it introduced a new problem: In my header, I print the name of the first person and last person of the page. When a contact gets pushed to the next page, it is still processed in the current page. So let's say Bob was supposed to be at the bottom of the first page. But to prevent it from splitting, Bob is now the first element in the second page. However on the header of my first page I still have Alice...Bob (where Alice is the first person of the first page). And on my second page I still have Brenda...Doug (Where Brenda is now the 2nd person of the 2nd page, and Doug last person of 2nd page). My output at the header is [$V{pageFirstItem} + "..." + $V{pageLastItem}]]> where pageFirstItem is: <variable name="pageFirstItem" class="java.lang.String" resetType="Page" calculation="First"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[$F{lastName}]]></variableExpression> <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{lastName}]]></initialValueExpression> </variable> [/code] and pageLastItem is:
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