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Everything posted by leecarlton

  1. Hi, I'm using a report template that has a repeating value. The report is a school transcript, so all of the classes are listed in the header of the report. Here is an image: If you look at the right of the image you can see that there is a lot of white space that is not being utilized. I was wondering if it is possible to use this area? When I adjust the header/footer it obscures the items under course history. Hopefully this is a simple solution, as I have a couple of items that I would really like to put to the right hand side of the descriptions. I've included a copy of the .xml if that helps. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help me with this, Lee Post Edited by glacierfanclub at 03/26/2012 22:33 Post Edited by glacierfanclub at 03/26/2012 22:35
  2. Hi, I have the following expression in one of my reports, and I'm trying to make heads or tails of it. Is it drawing from the table named transcript, and then getting the field named UserDescriptionIndicator? Also confused as to the question mark that appears after it. I looked through our tables, and don't see one named transcript. Not sure where it is drawing that from Thanks for any help. Getting this figured out will save me a lot of time. Only working with smaller formulas up until this point Code:$F{transcript}.getUserDescriptionIndicator() ? $F{transcript}.getSchoolCourse().getNumber()+" "+$F{transcript}.getCourseDescription() : ($F{transcript}.getSchoolCourse() != null ? $F{transcript}.getSchoolCourse().getNumber()+" "+$F{transcript}.getSchoolCourse().getDescription() : "") Post Edited by glacierfanclub at 03/23/2012 00:54
  3. Hi, I am new to iReport, and would like to know how to get the fields to show up in the boxes like they have them here: https://skitch.com/glacierfanclub/g7xpw/network-recording-player-ireport-series-adding-fields-to-a-report Currently they look like this on my Mac: https://skitch.com/glacierfanclub/g7xtp/jaspersoft-ireport-designer-4.5.0
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