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Everything posted by leika

  1. Hi All, in case this still matters. I found the tricky Bit :-) To enable classloading to see the mappin.xml ressource what you'd need to do is to add a Buddy registration to your plugin/Manifest file Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: registered Eclipse-RegisterBuddy: com.jaspersoft.studio.data This one did the trick for me :-) Stefan
  2. Hi, im fightend the Same Issue at the Moment. I wonder if you succeeded. From my debugging it looks like the Hbase pluging gets the file IS via classloading (context loader). I'm still testing why my plugin doesn't succeed. File name and path looking good, but the ContextClassloader doesn't see the file. My eclipse Plattform coding is a bit rusty so I don't remember the exact architecture of the Classloader Architecture, something I need to do some relase arch on I think stefan
  3. Hi all, I'm pretty new to JAsperreports and we're currently evaluating it to be used as a Reporting Frontend. Our Appolictaion can deliver Data via a REST Call and a custom Query language. The Question is where can I add an Extension that would add a new Query Language Type to the Studio Dialogas and how to support that in JAsperServer as well. I found several links into examples, but they all seemed outdated or didn't work for me. Any help highly appreciated. I don't need a full solution or tutorial but some links into the right API/concepts or methods would be great. Stefan
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