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Everything posted by nanosk

  1. As a result of this bug, it is no longer possible to cleanly shut down glassfish 3.1 which in turn affects the build process.
  2. See http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=102&forumid=103&topicid=97720 for more details. This Bug is still present in JasperReports v4.5.1.
  3. Added a note to the existing Bug report http://jasperforge.org/projects/jasperreports/tracker/view.php?id=4907
  4. Hello,we're developing a Glassfish 3.1.x (JEE 6) based Application using "embedded" JasperReports (v4.5.1) to generate various Documents. Documents are typically created in two steps: firstly create the JasperPrint XML, secondly output the XML as a PDF to disk. When I run the following test, I always get an exception printout in my logs create the JasperPrint, convert it to XML and store the XML in a database read the JasperPrintXML from the database and convert it into a JasperPrint instance again (using JRPrintXmlLoader.load(InputStream)) shutdown the Glassfish ServerThe relevant code for step 2 is attached. I also attached the exception printed in my logs. Debugging showed that JRXmlDigester#168 (mentioned in the StackTrace) loads the resource jasperreports.xsd into an InputStream. It seems this InputStream (which is wrapped into an InputSource) is never closed. Yet worse, if the conversion (Step 2) is executed multiple times, I end up with even more unclosed streams (all referring to the same resource). Is it my fault or do I have to file a bug report? Thanks for your time, Pete Code:final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(job.getJasperData().getBytes());final JasperPrint jasperPrint;try { jasperPrint = JRPrintXmlLoader.load(is);} catch (final JRException e) { throw new PrintException(e, PrintExceptionReason.READING_JASPER_XML_FAILED, job.getBusinessCaseId());} finally { try { is.close(); } catch (final IOException e) { logger.warn("could not close input stream of document for business case {}", job.getBusinessCaseId()); }}return jasperPrint;
  5. ok, I found that I should be using the XML form...
  6. Hello there, (how) does Jasperreports guarantee that I am able to deserialize a JasperPrint Object that has been serialized with an older version? Example: A JasperPrint Object ist created, deserialized and stored (i.e. in a file) using JasperReports Version 2.x. Several years pass by, several JasperReports releases happen. The JasperPrint Object which has been serialialized with Version 2.x will be read, deserialized and displayed/exported using the current JasperReports Version (i.e. Version 4.5).Is that possible or will I get a serialization-related exception? Or would it be wiser to store the Document in another format (i.e. as a pdf)? In the latter case: Can I use Jasper to print the PDF or do I have to use other tools? Thanks, nanoSk
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