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Everything posted by savyn

  1. Thank you I will try that. Kind regards Savyn
  2. I am currently doing above like this but would like to use the picture instead ($F{po_state} == "draft" ? "DRAFT PO" : $F{po_state} == "draft" ? "" : "")
  3. Hello, I have created purchase order report where once the PO is confirmed the report can be printed to send to supplier. We also want the report to be printer if the PO is in draft state but to put a watermark on the report to display "DRAFT PO" I am using the background band but not sure how to get this in the expression. The Background band as an Image, the table for PO has a STATE column with the followingg value (Draft, proforma and confirmed) Can any explain how I do this, I am using Ireport 4.5.1 Many thanks Savyn
  4. Thank you. I actually installed 4.5 in parallel with 4.1 in a seperate directory and exported the repository and reimport into 4.5. So far everything is working well. I only have one error with a report which i am investigating The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience. Error Message java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal Many thanks Savyn
  5. Hello, I have Jasper Server 4.1 and had some issue with export to excel field type to string. I found with version 4.5 this is working and would like to upgrade from 4.1 to 4.5. The documentation explain about upgrade from 3.7 to 4.5. My current 4.1 is on MySQL db and i belive 4.5 will be postgres. What proceedure should I follow to upgrade to 4.5 (OS is ubuntu 10.04) Many thanks Savyn
  6. Hello, please can you explain how I can fix the following error com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: jsexception.too.many.data.rows. After the report is generated export, I am not able to export to excel many thanks Savyn
  7. Please let me know if you can get your jasper field Number, currency etc properly exported to excel with type remain same rather than converted to text. thks
  8. Hello Everyone. I am sure this question was asked and answered but my searching failed. I have created a report and I have setup a field as java.lang.number and has a number format. When export to pdf all looks good but in excel it is in text. Have have made sure that applicationcontext.xml have detectCellType = true and in my report i have <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="true"/> Please can you let me know what I am missing. I am using jaspersever 4.1.0 community version. Many thanks Savyn Post Edited by savyn at 01/10/2012 16:11
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