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Everything posted by sinsand

  1. Hi hozawa, we were not using the rest_v2 API due to which all the error and issues were coming. After using rest_v2 we are able to export the reports smoothly. Thanks alot for helping, Sandeep
  2. HI, when we try to get the reports from the Jasperserver through java it is giving Null URL but if I copy paste the same URL in the browser the report is getting generated. I checked the report unit path, it is same for both the url infact both the URL are same. Am i missing something or something else needs to be done. Thanks, Sandeep
  3. HI All, Found the error, as my java requests were not authnticated due to which I was getting the login page. I am going to add token based authntication in java code and then try to generate it. Thanks, Sandeep
  4. HI All, we have a report deployed in jasperserver, From the browser when we generate the report with output as csv the report is generated and downloaded. When we copy the url for that report and try it in another tab then also the report is getting downloaded. But when we try to get the same report from java code instead of getting a csv file of the report we are getting html code. We tried few different ways to download it but in each file we are getting some html code. the latest we tried was FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(loginURL), new File("d:/test3.csv")); Is there something more to be done to get the generated report in csv from Java code or am I missing something?? Thanks, Sandeep
  5. HI All, In our Jasperserver when we run any report, we pass few parameters in the URL like enterprise ID and User ID. Depending upon those my other input controls are getting their values as those paramters decides access. When I run the report and pass parameters in the URL we can see the values in input controls but when I try to schedule the report and pass the parameters, other Input controls are not showing any values. My other input controls are Organization and program, both are cascading parameters which are manadatory and both are not showing any values we are using Jasperserver 6.2. Do we need to do something more or am I missing something?? Thanks, Sandeep
  6. HI, we have a requirement that from jasperserver we direclty need to export the csv or excel without running the report in jasperserver and then to export in csv and excel format. Currently the Jasperserver is embedded in iframe and from there we are generating the report. The client reqiurement is that without using the Iframe we need to connect to the Jasperserver and get the reports in csv or excel report. Is that possible using JasperServer and if it is Please suggest how it can be achived? Thanks, Sandeep
  7. HI, we have reports working on one linux environment but when we export and import the same to other linux environment the reports gets distorted. The environment from which we are exporting is community edition and the importing Environment is professional edition of Jasperserver. Does anyone know what might be the issue or how this can be resolved. Thanks, Sandeep
  8. HI, we have deployed Jasperserver-pro 6.2, installed on a linux machine, but when we open the login page, it does not comes properly. Images and colors are missing. we have other envvironment as well, in those the login page is coming properly. Can anyone suggest what might be the issue ?? Thanks, Sandeep
  9. HI, Found the root cause, it was picking up the wrong jrxml from another folder structure which we missed to check. so there is no issues in JasperStudio regarding Publishing which we mentioned Eariler. We will check more throughly from next time. Thanks for a Quick reply to the posts. Sandeep
  10. Hi, @hozawa-- in PDF I am not able to click on links only in web page, if the problem is web browser cache then without cleaning it if I am uploading then it is working fine, let me create a sample and I will post it for you to check out. Thanks, Sandeep
  11. HI All, We have few index pages consisting of hyperlink to other reports. we have kept some hyperlink and removed some hyperlink but the text is still viewable but not clickable as we have removed the hyperlink tags and attributes. When we publish this report from Jasper Studio 6.2, the removed hyperlink are still clickable but when we upload those jrxmls in Jasperserver 6.2, the removed hyperlink is viewable which was the desired behaviour. we have checked it in both linux and windows, and the issue is on both Env. of JasperServer when we publish from JasperStudio. Does anyone have any idea why this inconsistancy occurs when we publish from JasperStudio and upload the jrxmls directly to the JasperServer? or Am I missing something ?? Thanks, Sandeep
  12. HI, I have a background in my report. In PDF and RTF I am able to view the background but in excel and xlsx I am not able to see the output. Is there any property that can be set or unset to show the background in excel and xlsx format? I have tried <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.white.page.background" value="true"/> but of no use. or Do I need to do something more. Thanks, Sandeep
  13. HI All, Is there a way to deploy jrxmls directly to the jasperserver with adding input controls to the jrxmls directly from GIT repo. are there any tools or plugins by which can do this ?? Currently we are deploying reports on jasperserver manually. We have only 3 env. now but it might increase to 10 or more. Thanks, Sandeep
  14. HI, I have tried <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.band.myGroup" value="Group2"/> as well as <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.keep.first.band.myGroup" value="Group2"/> but nothing seems to be working. Both statements have no effect in my main jrxml. the group is in main jrxml. My group name is Group2.<group name="Group2" isReprintHeaderOnEachPage="true"> I have tried it with columnHeaders and that works. Am I missing something or any solutions regarding this? Thanks, Sandeep
  15. HI All, I have a report, I have used<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.band.1" value="title"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.2" value="title"/><property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.band.3" value="title"/><property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xlsx.exclude.origin.band.4" value="columnHeader"/><property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.origin.band.5" value="columnHeader"/><property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.exclude.origin.band.6" value="columnHeader"/> to avoid column headers. When I run the report Individually, the excel or xlsx dosent show me title or column header, but this report is a subreport of a big report.When I run this big report, the excel and xlsx show me the title and column header. Can anyone suggest what more needs to be done or am I missing something?? Thanks,Sandeep
  16. HI All, Found the Error, It was frame. I removed the frame and added rectangle and also removed the margins of the pages from the distortion started. After that published again. Thanks, Sandeep
  17. HI All, I have deployed a report with multiple subreports on windows env in jasperserver, the output is fine. but when i deploy the same report to the linux env. the output gets distorted. for windows the output is 56 pages and for linux it is 60 pages with only column header are overflowing on other page and for a group text are on a single page and line or frame are on other page. Has any faced this issue. I deployed it several times and imported as well but of no use. Can anyone suggest what I am missing?? Thanks, Sandeep
  18. moreover I would like to export these reports in excel, xlsx and csv where I need to avoid the page header. Thanks, Sandeep
  19. HI, I want page footer on the title page, but my title can flow to second page or third page as well. so I want to display page footer in all the pages. Is there any way to achive this. Thanks, Sandeep
  20. Hi, i have Jasperserver 6.2 installed on my system. I see JS still uses itext 2.1.7 jars. so is there any plans to update those jars in coming releases and why that was not upgraded. Thanks, Sandeep
  21. I am using the same version of chrome, dont know what is happening or why it is not working on our project group. Checked it with other group it is working there. Let me try to format the system and get a fresh copy of everything and then I will check again. Thanks @hozawa for a quick reply.
  22. HI All, I have created a mandatory parameter in jasperservernamely Start_Date. if I make the field empty and click on apply in chrome, no validation occurs. Below is the screenshot of the html component created in chrome. For the same component Please find the attached screenshot of mozilla. I tried it several times. Can anyone please let us know that if there are crossbrowser issue regarding jasperserver 6.2 Thanks, Sandeep
  23. Hi All, How does the jasperserver maintains the session as it is a web application ? how can i get the session id to pass it to the jrxml ? Thanks, Sandeep
  24. Hi All, How can I pass visible column name of multiple select query to the jrxml. As per http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18397022/get-the-value-of-visible-column-of-jasperreports-server-input-control It suggests for jasper server 5.2 the visible column name is not passed to the jrxml. I am using jasper server 6.2. Is passing visible column name is possible in 6.2 ?? or how this can be achived ?? Thanks, Sandeep
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