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Everything posted by eduff

  1. Looking to create job description for person to create Ireports programs using Fishbowl Inventory as input. Need to know what technical background to look for and level of experience. i.e. Firebird database for Fishbowl IREPORTS SQL Java Java Scripting? Netbeans? Groovy? Need to find someone local with the skill set to produce reports quickly and correctly, so I require a list of skills to make sure we get a good fit. Thanks for your help. Edie
  2. Jeff, Thank-you for your response. I found out yesterday I must only use Firdbird SQL commands, and MID is not included. With SUBSTRING you must use the FROM and FOR syntax not commas. It feels good to stop hitting my head against the wall. Edie
  3. Need help, Trying to use MID or SUBSTRING function in SQL query on Fishbowl database and it's telling me the function is unknown. I can use LEFT and RIGHT functions with no problems. If I connect to an Microsoft Access database the functions work. I am connecting to fishbowl use Firebird driver, org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver. Is there any other settings that need to be added? Thanks Code:MID(part.description,8,3) as grade
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