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Everything posted by rfkrocktk

  1. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. It's been really difficult for me to figure out how to use JasperReports. Essentially, I have about 5 different java.util.List instances which each describe different data types and I'd simply like to create a table for each. However, it seems that Jasper Reports is more for just operating around a single list of data, and this is just a little frustrating and confusing. I'm looking to create something like this: http://i.imgur.com/F8Z7R.png My Java objects look somewhat like this public class Thing { private int id; private String name; private int rating; ... public int getId(); public String getName(); public int getRating();}[/code]It's pretty simple, really. I'm just looking to have a "section header" with the title of each section, followed by a table of the data which can expand with more data. Is this possible to do in Jasper Reports? Post Edited by rfkrocktk at 03/13/2012 23:19
  2. I'm getting a really weird error when trying to use JasperCompileManager.compileReportToStream(InputStream, OutputStream). (See attached error.) It seems to not be able to read my report file, which I've attached. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the report file and the error seems to occur before anything gets parsed. What's going on? Code: Post Edited by rfkrocktk at 12/31/2011 00:02
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