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Everything posted by chaithi

  1. Hi, I want to construct a bubble chart in iReport 4.5.0. In the "chart details" in the "Dataset" tab I set the "Reset Type" to "Report" and the "Increment Type" to "Non". In the "Details" tab I added a "XYZ series" with the following features: the X-, Y-, Z-values are numbers(X-year,Y-revenue,Z-revenue(for size of bubble)) and the "Series expression" is a Field $F{comp_name} which I used in the SQL-query from the report. XYZ are taking numeric values but as per my requirement i need a string (ie) comp_name.When I run the report with a string I am getting an error. When I run the report with XYZ having numeric values, the chart appears in the report without errors, but the bubbles are not appearing properly and look and feel of the chart is not good. I appreciate any help for clarification Thank you in advance! Chaitra
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