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  1. After reflexion, this appears something logical. Thank you for your answer. My post was concerning the map component as well, and do you have any idea about the potential evolution of this component in order to see the point of the coordinates that we specify on parameters ? Really enjoy to discover and use this tool. See ya
  2. Hi there, I answer my own post because I found another post dealing with this problem. The fact is to put the chart in the summary band....it seems to be a kind of hack, but it works. Still Thanks ! Post Edited by spongebob at 12/15/2011 16:24
  3. Hi everybody, I'm new to ireport, and the first feeling using it is surprise, because it's very user friendly ! 1. My first question is more a proposal of evolution about the "experimental" map component. Actually it works fine, but my question is about the map itself. Could you, in a next version, add the possibility to plot the coordinates on the map in order to see directly the site on the map ? 2. My second question is about the charts : I try and succeed to load data on a chart, but when I try to plug severals series, the render is the multiplication of the charts. Example : see 1_dataset.png The result is 8 charts, exactly the same number of the result of my dataset. I wonder, how can I indicate to the category series to include several values ? And get only one chart. Thank you. Post Edited by spongebob at 12/15/2011 12:27
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