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Everything posted by swathi13

  1. How to make JasperReports groups start on a new page only when particulor parameter is true?
  2. HI, I want display data (detail) band based on condition: suppose: if user is registerd-client(he has right to view the data) in this case i want to display data(Actual Result from resultset) if user is non-registered client(he dont have rights to view data) in this case i want to display satic message(client doesn't have rights to view data) with column - headers? plese help me, how can i achieve this? Thanks in advance.
  3. Can any one help me on this. Its very urgent!!
  4. Hi, Please provide me the solutions for the following queries. 1. I am upgrading my IReport from 4.1.3 to 4.7.0 after that when i change in the report and saves it it is generating some uuid code. please tell me how can i avoid that? 2.How to change headers dynamically? currently i have added printwhenexpression with condition.But its not working for me. 3.other report formats are working properly but my csv file is generating extra commas. here i am attaching the my JRXML file. Thanks in advance
  5. kambhampati Wrote: Hi, currently iam using the iReport 4.1.3 version. while generating excel reports iam facing some formatting issues, 1.column headers will not display the whole text. 2. some vertical lines are not displayed. Find attached report for reference. Please tell me how i can solve this? Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi, currently iam using the iReport 4.1.3 version. while generating excel reports iam facing some formatting issues, 1.column headers will not display the whole text. 2. some vertical lines are not displayed. Find attached report for reference. Please tell me how i can solve this? Thanks in advance!
  7. how can i set with list? could you please provide me the example?
  8. How can i expand vertical line in ireport? i set Stretch Type for my line properties to "RelativeToBandHeight" but it also doesn't work . please let me know how can i expand the line Thanks in advance.
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