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  1. With you help ,i solved the problem ,you are a good person.
  2. Thanks a lot for your answer,I think it's good method. but ,Did you see my attach? I can't use the SQL query in iReport ,i only can pass some Files to it, So can you help me to have a look that how can i do it ? Thank you very much...
  3. Hi,Dear Supporter I come from china and very like open source software ,I must tell you .iReport is a great software .But i have a question want to consult with you ,it's how to use table in iReport and i can't use Sql query in iReport.actually i use my software to generate a "Field" defined like below: (aboute the Image please see the Attachment 1.jpg) I have added two "Field" UserName(string) and UseAge(Long) and then i user the definition assign to Report Design like below: (aboute the Image please see the Attachment 2.jpg) and then i click "Export" to export the report design it's will generate a file named "Report_Design2.1.jrxml " i put the this file in the attach please see it .and then i use iReport to open the "Report_Design2.1.jrxml " . it's like this : (aboute the Image please see the Attachment 3.jpg) I hope i can get the result like this: (aboute the Image please see the Attachment 4.jpg)I mean i need a table ,but how to do it , I hope you can help me .and Thanks a lot. Thanks,Jack
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