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  1. We are loading our application through a custom classloader, but when ever we try and run our report we recieve the following error: calculator_DetailedWeeklyReportWithColourNolPictures_1349065944296_175889: 18: unable to resolve class JREvaluator @ line 18, column 1. calculator_DetailedWeeklyReportWithColourNolPictures_1349065944296_175889: 25: unable to resolve class JRFillParameter When we run the application without the classloader, all works fine. I've verified that the custom classloaders parent is an instance of "sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader", which is the same as if we launch the application without using the custom classloader. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to resolve this issue? Cheers
  2. I have a report, whose classes are loaded via custom classloader and which is executed within the context of that classloader (the jasper API is loaded by the system classloader as normal) When I do this, Jasper complains that it can't find the classes that the report needs. I've tested the report in stand-alone mode (simply run the report within the same classloader context) and it seems to work fine. Is there anything that I can try to get this to work??
  3. Is there an example in the examples project I can dig around in??
  4. I'm REALLY new to Jasper Reports and I'm trying to figure out if this is possible. Currently we have data coming from an XML file which includes column information. Each row then contains information that needs to be added under those columns. I'm looking for a way to set up a report that would allow me to achieve this... nb - The number of columns is currently fixed. Any pointers would be appreciated. Shane
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