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Everything posted by richddean

  1. So it looks like it is not possible with a PDF generated document that is opened in the browser to open a link in a new tab. Thanks for the feed back.
  2. I have created a PDF report with Jasper and I am opening the report in my browser and when I click on the link embedded in the report that I thought would open the link in a new tab it actually loads the link right on the tab I am on. I was hoping the target of Blank would cause the link to load in another tab (I tested this in Chrome on the Mac and IE10 on Windows 7). From what I read in the Jasper documentation, I thought BLANK would open a new tab in my browser. http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/hyperlink/ Here is my code: <textField hyperlinkType="Reference" hyperlinkTarget="Blank"> <reportElement x="0" y="5" width="100" height="15"/> <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.String">"Click here"</textFieldExpression> <hyperlinkReferenceExpression>"http://www.google.com"</hyperlinkReferenceExpression> </textField> [/code]Has anyone had any luck getting this to work in PDF generated with JasperReports? Any help would be appreciatied. Thanks.
  3. Did you ever get a solution to this? I am having the exact same problem. I noticed this same issue was posted a couple of years ago an never got an answer. http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/516867/pdf-targetblank Thanks, Richard
  4. I have been using JasperReports to create large HTML reports and that is working great. My only problem is when I want to flip through these reports on-line in the browser. When I click on the link to view a generated .HTML report it takes forever for it to load and sometimes the browser just gives up. Is there a jasper report tool or anything anyone has created to allow me to selectively view certain pages or just lazy load a few pages at a time? Most of the time I don't need to print the report out and maybe I just need to see pages 500, 610, 715, etc of a 1200 page report. How are others handling this? Note: The report is being produced from large data sets and so it will always be about 1000-1500 pages and 25% of the time I wil need to download the whole thing and print it out, but the other 75% of the time I just need to flip through it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Rich
  5. Hmmm... Yeah, I guess I am trying to figure out if the by creating a JasperReport.jxml file using the community edition of iReport if that particualr .jxml has to fall under the GPL license, or if just the app is GPL licensed and not something I create with it. Even if for some strange reson that .jxml that I created has to fall under the GPL, I just want to make sure that distributing the .jxml in a WAR does not cause my whole app to become GPL licensed. I suppose I can try iReport out first and make sure I like it and then if so move forward with finding out how much it cost to license. I just am trying to understand this whole thing.
  6. Can I use iReport desinger to create reports for commerical software? I know this may seem like a silly question, but I thought that the last time I looked at iReport that I read you could only use it to create reports for open source system otherwsie you had to buy a license. Now on the JasperForge iReport page I don't see anything like that in the description of the product or even a way to buy a license for iReport. What is the deal? Maybe I am confusing this with a differnt JasperSoft product. Thanks.
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