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Posts posted by fohnbit

  1. Hello! Thank you! This helps. I can start the execution of the report, but when I want to download it, I get the Error 404. The request ID does not exists. I run the report syncron. After finish, I get the Answer XML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>









    So I copy the requestID and try:

    But get Error 404



    show error 404.


    Maybe you have an idea? Must I set up on the server something?

    And how long is the report available to download on the server?


    Thank you!



  2. Hello! Thank you! I Upload now within iReports to the JasperServer. Now the next problem. I have one MSSQL and one MYSQL Database Connection in the subreport.

    After upload I add a Datasource at the server. But I can only one!

    How can I work with 2 databases? Before I upload to the server, local it run.

  3. Hello!

    I install the Server and on my PC the iReport 5.5

    I generate a report (with 4 subreports) and so I have 5 Files.


    How can I now publish/upload this Masterreport (with all Subreports) to the server?


    When I log in, I can upload a report. But how I have to handle the subreport? May someone has a good tutorial?


    What I want:

    Create reports (where they get data´s from MSSQL and MYSQL) and publish this to a webserver. where User can read and download anytime actual reports.


    Thank you!

  4. The question is, how I set up the Main rport, to use a subreport with a different database. I habe in Top of the iReport a dropdown of my databases. I can only choose one. When I use the wizard for the subreport, I can choose a different database, but there is no dropdown of my own databases. So how I have to configure the subreport? Master is MS SQL and Subreport is mySQL. Thank you!
  5. Hello!


    I reads some articel, but cant find a solution:

    I have a report for a MS SQL database. Preview: it works

    I have another report for a MYSQL Database. Preview it works.


    Now I want to add the mySQL report als Subreport of the MS SQL Report.

    Parameter in both reports is "ID"

    The subreport should be filtered by the "ID" from the Main report.

    My problem is to use once MS SQL and once mySQL.


    Who can help?

    Using iReport Designer 5.5.0


    Thank you!

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