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  1. I have a problem with large images on a detail band within a sub report, creating a large gap at the bottom of the page. see largeImageLargeBlankSpaceAtBottom.png. What i think is happening is that in a "pre-logic evalution ( ie before conditional statements are evaluated) jasper reports goes " that detailed band with the image is too large for the remaining space" and leaves a blank ( equal to the size of the image + 1 row of data ) The problem is that customers will not be happy with the large amount of space on the bottom of the page. I have tried - conditional printing of image - moving image onto its own band i have attached a fully functioning eclipse project : DummyJasperMultiSubReportSpaceProblemEclipseProject and all of the ireport template files.: demoMultiSubReports and the jar to use to populate the reports. If anyone has any ideas it would be really really appreciated, spent lots of days pulling this apart... or is this "just the way ireport and jasper reports works" ?
  2. Hey lisacbeaton, thankyou for your reponse ! that's a great reference and im working through it now. thanks again
  3. i have created a style element which applies conditional formatting to textfields when created It is working in the sense that i can - change the font colour - change to italic However, bold is still not working here is the style <style name="boldTotals" isBold="false"> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[$F{subTotal}.booleanValue()==true]]></conditionExpression> <style forecolor="#FF0000" fontName="Arial" isBold="true" pdfFontName="Helvetica-Bold"/> </conditionalStyle </style> and here is the textfield xml <textField> <reportElement style="boldTotals" x="146" y="15" width="39" height="11"/> <textElement textAlignment="Right"> <font size="8" isBold="false"/> </textElement> <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{storePrice}]]></textFieldExpression> </textField> im using jasper-reports jar 4.5 i have been reading around and tried all sorts of scenarios.. I am exporting the result to a pdf and as i stated above it IS WORKING for everything except bold. I think that there is some sort of collision happening somewhere ( ie dont use bold if your textarea has ..... ) but no idea what that is ? Thanks for any help
  4. Hi i have a fairly complicated to write and i am a first time user of jasper reports and ireports... i have a report already working with a subreport ( ie the contact with a person and address list example...) what i am trying to do is to make the header on this report more managable it has ( literally ) 37 fields ... by seperating it out into classes .... ie see code.. the problem i am having is that when i specify a dataSource ie ReportFactory.getCollection() the connection is made against the data returned from that method, there doesn't appear to be an easy way to create mutliple data connections to seperate dataBeans.... being trying this for days... any help would be greatly appreciated cheers Code:MainHeader{TopHeader topHeader;MiddleHeader middleHeader;BottomHeader bottomHeader;get/set topHeader();get/set middleHeader();get/set bottomHeader();... etc}TopHeader{String title;String user;String reportId;String report type;get/set etc...}
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