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  1. Hi there! Thanks for your reply! Yes i alrdy passed the absolute path to the parameter "XML_DATA_DOCUMENT". Well....my report creates a pdf now, but its empty. Even my static text doesn't show. The local machine is Windows 7, and my report works fine and the server is a linux machine. My path to the xml file is "/opt/xmlfiles/test.xml" but as i said my report is empty. I actually don't know what to do. I appreciate any further help! Sincerely Akr
  2. Hi everyone, I alrdy posted this on the ireport forums, but as I now know it was on the wrong forum!. Hopefully anybody can help me =) I have a problem with ireport and XML Datasource. I guess i juist have to tell you what i want to do: I've a Linux script, which fills a xml file with data. And i want to use this xml file as Datasource. The idea is to overwrite the "old" xml file every week by using the script. This way my Report only has the actual Data in it. I've got the script running correctly and it creates a valid xml file. The xml file has the following Data in it: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <summary> <resource> <server>servername</server> <resource> <date>2011-11-03</date> <space>63842.55</space> </resource> </resource> <resource> <server>servername2</server> <resource> <date>2011-11-03</date> <space>63939.39</space> </resource> </resource> </summary> I can get the report running correctly on my local windows machine. Here's what i did: 1.create new XML File Datasource 2. marked "use the report xpath[...]" 3. Used the local copy of my xml file It all works LOCAL. Now I'm uploading my .jrxml file to my opennms Server inside "report-templates" i edited all the relevant opennms .xml files. My report is visible at the "reports" in the WebUi but when clicking it i get an Error message.... My guess is: The report on the server doesn't know where to look for my .xml file.... am i right? Now the question is: How can i tell my report where to look for my xml file? I already googled for hours.... and i tried to do it with "XML Remote Datasource", but after changing the language to xpath2 and using the xml remote datasource my preview just tells me "report does not have pages". Thanks in advance Sincerely Ark
  3. Hi everyone, I have a problem with ireport and XML Datasource. I guess i juist have to tell you what i want to do: I've a Linux script, which fills a xml file with data. And i want to use this xml file as Datasource. The idea is to overwrite the "old" xml file every week by using the script. This way my Report only has the actual Data in it. I've got the script running correctly and it creates a valid xml file. The xml file has the following Data in it: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <summary> <resource> <server>servername</server> <resource> <date>2011-11-03</date> <space>63842.55</space> </resource> </resource> <resource> <server>servername2</server> <resource> <date>2011-11-03</date> <space>63939.39</space> </resource> </resource> </summary> I can get the report running correctly on my local windows machine. Here's what i did: 1.create new XML File Datasource 2. marked "use the report xpath[...]" 3. Used the local copy of my xml file It all works LOCAL. Now I'm uploading my .jrxml file to my opennms Server inside "report-templates" i edited all the relevant opennms .xml files. My report is visible at the "reports" in the WebUi but when clicking it i get an Error message.... My guess is: The report on the server doesn't know where to look for my .xml file.... am i right? Now the question is: How can i tell my report where to look for my xml file? I already googled for hours.... and i tried to do it with "XML Remote Datasource", but after changing the language to xpath2 and using the xml remote datasource my preview just tells me "report does not have pages". Thanks in advance Sincerely Ark
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