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  1. I was able to get this to work by setting the "stretch type" of all other elements to RELATIVE_TO_TALLEST_OBJECT.
  2. Hi, I'm using alternate coloring for my rows - I've used conditional styles as well as a floating rectangle. In both cases, the coloring worked but with a hitch. When one element is set to stretch with overflow, the other elements are not also stretched. This is in the detail band. So the stretched element might be 100 px tall and gets the full background fill color while the other elements, which do not need to stretch, have a large amount of whitespace below them. I've tried to set the stretch on the other elements, but without any luck. It appears that the vertical stretching in Jasper is per field only - the detail band must also stretch to accomodate the tallest element, but this height is not applied to all other elements in the band. Is there a way to ensure that all element's height are the same as the band at run-time (i.e. after the band has calculated the amount of space required for the tallest field)? Please see attachment 1 for an example screenshot. Thanks
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