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Everything posted by caseys

  1. I get this error as well. What exactly did you do to fix it? Also, any tips on going from 3.7.1 MySQL to 4.5 PostGreSQL would be greatly apprecited. It seems like it should work: # echo $JAVA_HOME/usr/local/java # java -versionjava version "1.7.0_06"Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_06-b24)Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.2-b09, mixed mode) # ./js-upgrade-newdb-ce.sh /home/admin/js-3.7-export.zip test Writing to log file: logs/js-upgrade-ce_2012-08-22_08-47-40926.log----------------------------------------------------------------------Running JasperReports Server upgrade script at 2012-08-22_08-47----------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING: JAVA_HOME environment variable not found[test]Running pre-upgrade-test-ce Ant task.----------------------------------------------------------------------Buildfile: /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0/buildomatic/build.xml [echo] Filtering properties (cleaning out blank spaces) test-ce-all-props: [echo] Checking properties: [echo] appServerType=skipAppServerCheck [echo] appServerDir=/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0/apache-tomcat [echo] dbType=postgresql [echo] dbHost=localhost [echo] dbUsername=postgres [echo] dbPassword=********** [echo] dbPort=5432 [echo] js.dbName=jasperserver [echo] sugarcrm.dbName=sugarcrm [echo] foodmart.dbName=foodmart [echo] webAppNameCE=jasperserver check-dbtype-for-upgrade-ce: do-install-upgrade-test: [echo] Checking DBMS host and port: [echo] About to validate host: localhost [echo] Host localhost is OK [echo] Done validating host: localhost [echo] About to validate port: localhost:5432 [echo] Port 5432 is OK [echo] Done validating port: localhost:5432 [echo] Validating administrative database connection at jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres. Phase: [test] [echo] For JDBC driver the artifactId and version properties are set: [echo] maven.jdbc.artifactId=postgresql [echo] maven.jdbc.version=9.0-801.jdbc3 [echo] Specified JDBC driver jar exists[advanced-sql] Executing commands[advanced-sql] 1 of 1 SQL statements executed successfully [echo] Connection OK [echo] Validating JasperServer database connection at jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jasperserver. Phase: [test] [echo] For JDBC driver the artifactId and version properties are set: [echo] maven.jdbc.artifactId=postgresql [echo] maven.jdbc.version=9.0-801.jdbc3 [echo] Specified JDBC driver jar exists[advanced-sql] Executing commands[advanced-sql] 1 of 1 SQL statements executed successfully [echo] Connection OK do-pre-upgrade-test: pre-upgrade-test-ce: BUILD SUCCESSFULTotal time: 0 secondsChecking Ant return code: OK
  2. Added a line in the script to delete the catalina.pid before starting jasper.
  3. Hello, I'm tyring to get JasperReports 4.0.0 to start automatically when rebooting the server. I think I have the init script configured correctly, but Tomcat won't shutdown properly on reboot. I have to rm the `/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0/apache-tomcat/temp/catalina.pid' and then start jasper for it to come back online. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  4. Could you attach your applicationContext-security.xml file. I'm still having some issues and would like to run a compare on my file vs. your file. Thanks!
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