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Everything posted by errol

  1. Hi guys, if the "One page per sheet" option in the iReport Excel export options is checked, then multiple sheets will appear. However the sheets are not separated by the group header. They are instead separated based on the length of the page. This is still not correct as it should split by the group header. Is there any way to force iReport to page break according to the group header & not depend on the iReport settings? As the report will be generated from outside of iReport so it will not work if it's only set for iReport. Thanks for your replies.
  2. Hi guys, after trying to create multiple Excel sheets in iReport 3.7.4, i have not found out how to get it working. The export property "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet" has been set to true in the jrxml file as shown below. <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet" value="true"/> I have ticked the "Ignore pagination" checkbox under the report properties. As i want each group header to be on a new sheet so i have added the page break element inside the group footer band. I have also ticked the "Start on a new page" checkbox for the group header. For the subreport inside the report, i have also ticked the same property "Start on a new page". The result that comes out is that the spacing between each group header is wider instead of on separate sheets. Any ideas on what is needed or to be corrected to make the multiple sheets appear? Thanks for your replies.
  3. Hi sanda, i have set this property "net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" to "true" from the documentation that you gave in the jrxml file but it does not work when i generate in iReport or outside of it. This property is supposed to work like the iReport Excel export option "Detect Cell Type" right? Is there anything else that i might have missed out in the setting? The way i have set it is shown below: <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="true"/> Thanks for your replies.
  4. Hi sanda, thanks for your help, as that will only work in iReport itself, how do i ensure that the same outcome will happen from outside of iReport? Is there any property to set in the jrxml file itself to preserve this setting so that it will continue to work outside of iReport as well? Thanks for your replies.
  5. Hi guys, after the report is designed in iReport 3.7.4 and generated in Excel, i'm unable to sum the cells which contain numerical values. Any ideas on why this cannot be done? Has this got anything to do with the cell format which seems to be in General? Is there any setting for it to be generated as Number format in Excel? Thanks for your replies.
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