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  1. the jrxml you have send it wont look like working. if i used new Boolean $V{PAGE_NUMBER}==$V{SUM_PAGE_NUMBER_1} it works but in subreport the columns are overflowing on last column. i want print upper columns in 6 rows and at the seventh row i have to print another detail.please help me in this.eagerly waiting for your reply. Post Edited by asim1985 at 11/14/2011 11:38
  2. this can be done by inserting shivaji or devaakrutipriya font into ur ireport and also in control panel then restart ur system.but the typing in marathi is difficult though you have to found d keywords.
  3. how can i convert my report inti marathi font I have done this by using marathi font in ireport but it wont reflect in pdf how can I show my report pdf in marathi
  4. Really very thank you iknnueve the jrxml u have send after changing it is really heplful and it works records are coming on last page as I wish thewm to be.. and I wish we would have a party someday.... really thank you....
  5. hi iknueve; I have tried this by inserting fields in subreport but it doesnt work .the problem of inserting only two more fields but as it has 8 columns while report fetch records occupying all 8 rows. and remaining records come on next page.and that two fields came on next page of the subreport.I want as soon as subreport ends the records shown their only after ending of subreport. and my subreport is vertically placed. Post Edited by asim1985 at 09/29/2011 04:49
  6. I have made my subreport verticle as it contains many field by rotating fields and divide it in a 8 column . now all the records coming properly but i want on the last page of it print date and place vertically though it looked not possible tome now. please find the following attachment and tell me how can I printthe fields present on last page exactly aftr my subreport.plz help me Post Edited by asim1985 at 09/28/2011 10:13
  7. he thanks zamudio my problem is get solved I have used $P!{parameter name} instead of $X{} and my problem get solved I dont need to change my data type it is java.lang.string thank you again for your help
  8. I am using $X variable but it gives me the error non supporet sql exception :IN i have to pass multiple parameter here i have tried many combinations of $X{IN,p.sac_no,SAC_NO} but cant get any idea.i ma using ireport 1.2.7.plz... hepl me if anyone knows . Code: Post Edited by asim1985 at 09/12/2011 06:35 Post Edited by asim1985 at 09/12/2011 06:36
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