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Everything posted by olivedev

  1. Hi, I have it fixed now. Here is my applicationContext-externalAuth-LDAP.xml file for Jasperserver Community 6.3: http://pastebin.com/7f7p0bGz I created JASPER_MANAGEMENT and JASPER_USER groups on my AD and added some users, it works fine. Users are "WorkstationUsers" in "AccessGroups" on my domain and I used a "ServiceAccounts" for the domain connection.
  2. Hi, I too have the same problem, and <property name="referral" value="follow" /> did not help, unfortunately. It's very frustrating, I tried with Jasper 6.1.1, 6.2.0, and now 6.3, and on different machines, and still got the same result: the LDAP is user is found, all seems ok, but we're stuck at this j_spring_security_check page. If someone has the solution to this, please reply. Thanks.
  3. Hi, Thanks. Yes, I got this: com.sun.jersey.api.NotFoundException: null for uri: It seems that rest_v2 does not work at all. gives: "Service not valid", which is fine. However: gives: "Specified page not found" What am I suppose to do to enable the rest_v2 service? I read the "jasperreports-server-web-services-guide.pdf" guide but can't find anything. Thanks.
  4. Hi, First of all, thanks for this new version 5.5.0. I have a problem when scheduling my reports, the parameters tab is disabled/grey, like in this screenshot: http://img4.hostingpics.net/pics/557770InputParameters.png The parameters I use are set to "Mandatory" and "Visible", and type is "Single Select Query". They work fine when running the reports manually, but when I schedule a report, I can't go into the "Parameters" tab. I am wondering why. I must have missed something with this new version 5.5.0, maybe a configuration file? because all was working fine in version 5.2. Thanks.
  5. OK, how do you run big reports with the REST API, then ? I still did not find any solution. Thanks.
  6. Hi all, I use the REST web service with Ruby to generate my reports, it works great. However I have a large report to generate and I need to use JRSwapFileVirtualizer to prevent from "out of memory" problems. I've been searching for now 3 hours how to do that. All I found is how to use the Virtualizer in java, which is not what I want. Does anybody know how to force the Virtualizer when requesting a report with REST web service ? In my Applicationcontext.xml I have the following code: <!-- report virtualizers --> <bean id="fileVirtualizerFactory" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.common.service.impl.SwapFileVirtualizerFactory"> <property name="maxSize" value="1536"></property> <property name="tempDirectory" value="/opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0/apache-tomcat/SwapTmp/"></property> </bean> but this Virtualizer seems to be never used when using the web service. Thanks. Post Edited by olivedev at 08/14/2012 11:50 Post Edited by olivedev at 08/14/2012 11:51
  7. OMG I spent hours trying this...thanks to you danparrott ! I am now able to download a .jrxml file, but there is no point in downloading a .jrxml file, I want to download a report that has been generated by the scheduler, but I can't because there is no PROP_ATTACHMENT_ID to the generated .pdf file... I know we can download output reports when we first run them through REST with a PUT, using the UUID, but how can we download a contentResource ? For example this link: http://url:port/jasperserver/rest/resource/Reports/Output/report-201203150700.pdf has no PROP_ATTACHMENT_ID and I can't download it... I tried http://url:port/jasperserver/rest/resource/Reports/Output/report-201203150700.pdf?fileData=true but it's not working. Thanks
  8. Here is what I did, if that may help you. I created a stored procedure: where "/opt/reports/" is my reports path on my linux machine. Be sure to have write permissions on that folder for the mysql user. Too, I faced another security problem, which is more a mysql problem than a jasper one, check it there: http://tinyurl.com/64kcwzr Then I call the stored procedure like this: call call spCreate_Report(400); 400 being an id in the JIContentResource table. And if you want to automate the process, you can create a trigger on the JIContentResource table to automatically create the output report file. I hope it helped and I would be glad to have another solution. Thanks.
  9. Hi, I am facing the same problem, I need to access the generated reports to send them through ftp or sftp. I know they're stored in the JIContentResource table. I can save the data content to a .pdf file (or .xls one in my case), it will work, but I can't find what JIContentResource.id refers to, to get the names of the generated reports. I am sure there is a better way to achieve this and I'm still looking for a solution. Thanks. EDIT: I just saw that the id is linked to the one from table JIResource and we can have the name of the report, that is great. Post Edited by olivedev at 10/11/2011 12:33 Post Edited by olivedev at 10/11/2011 12:41 Post Edited by olivedev at 10/11/2011 12:44
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