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Andrei T

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Everything posted by Andrei T

  1. Hello, The question is simple...I want to hide a row group in a crosstab depending on a parameter. For example see the attached pdf file for which I want to hide the first column, the one with Project 5, Project 5, All projects etc.
  2. Thank you Thomas for your answer. For the second question is the right one but it doesn't really answers the first. What are you saying just hides something. I want to change the value of a text field for different exports.
  3. Hello, First I want to know if a text field when exporting to pdf can have the value Value1 and when exporting to xls the value is Value1 + h. Second is it posible to hide a text field when print previewing the report with JRViewer in Java? I am asking this because when I export to pdf I must hide some fields that in other formats need to be present (i managed to do this with net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.exclude.key.textFieldWithHL property) but when I preview the report the field is not hidden. It hides only when I save the report as PDF. Thank you
  4. I can not just add a new cell that spans all over the other cells. I already tried all the solutions i came across regarding the table component that can help me achieve the desired output.
  5. After further reading and researching i finnaly found a solution but this solution does NOT include a table component. You can find the solution here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12579390/ireport-table-with-additional-record-repeating-for-each-row
  6. Hello, I searched all over the Internet and also on this forum but I can not find a way to achieve something like the table below. I am using iReport 4.7.1. Please could give me a hint? Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 row1 row1 row1 row1 Details about row 1 row2 row2 row2 row2 Details about row 2
  7. Hi, I have also noticed that Jasper Viewer toolbar looks very bad on MAC. It would be a great ideea if you cand modify it in order to have a decent look and feel. Andrei Ticudeanu
  8. Thank you for the information. Now it works without restarting my windows explorer.
  9. Hi, In my java application i am generating reports and i use JasperViewer as a print preview. When "saving as..." odt format my report is generated ok and i can open it with OpenOffice. The report looks ok and i don't receive any errors but my windows explorer (windows 7) gets closed and restarts by itself. After i shut down the computer or restart it each time i hover with my mouse over the odt document or i try to open/delete it the windows explorer restarts. I managed to move the document from command line to another computer running also windows 7 but the problem persists on the other computer too. I also opened OpenOffice and created an .odt document and saved it on my desktop. The document it is saved and i can open, move or delete it without any problems, so OpenOffice is working ok. I am using Java version 1.6, Windows 7 on 64bits and JasperReports 4.0.2
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