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  1. This workaround did the trick for me. In the Text Field Properties, delete the Pattern (because JasperServer ignores it anyway), set the ExpressionClass to java.lang.String, and format the field in the Text Field Expression. Short date: DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format($P{my_date_parameter}) Currency: NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format($F{my_numeric_field}) Still the question remains, why is JasperServer ignoring the Pattern property?
  2. It's also ignoring formatting patterns on java.lang.String fields. I'm formatting dollar amounts with the pattern ¤ #,##0.00;(¤ #,##0.00) , and it displays fine in iReport, but in JasperServer it leaves off the dollar sign and shows negative values with a minus sign instead of parentheses.
  3. I have a java.util.Date parameter that is working fine in iReport, but once I move it to the server, the printed parameter is formatted as Sat Oct 30 00:00:00 PDT 2010 instead of 10/30/2010 The parameter data entry and filtering are working fine, just the formatted display of the printed parameter on the report is off. Thanks for any help. Lee http://coincide.uoregon.edu:8080/jasperserver/reportimage?jrprint=854616882_1314139510798&image=px http://coincide.uoregon.edu:8080/jasperserver/reportimage?jrprint=854616882_1314139510798&image=px
  4. Evaluating JasperReports Server for our BI needs. JasperReports-Server-CP-Install-Guide.pdf says that MySQL is required for the jasperdb repository. Is this still accurate or can I use PostgreSQL instead? Our data mart will be on Postgres so I'd like to avoid another DBMS if possible. Thanks for any help or ideas. Lee
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