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Everything posted by feaganss

  1. Thank you for the reply. I'm also able to check for the existence of a file in the file system, but what I'm having trouble with is checking for the existence of a resource in the repository - e.g. repo:/Images/CCMCLogo
  2. Hi, I'm using iReport 4.1.1 and have a report that pulls the customer's logo dynamically from the Images folder in the repository based on a Parameter value. It's very simple, and works just fine: "repo:/Images/" + $P{CustomerID} + ".jpg". However, some customers don't have logos yet, and for those I want to display a default logo "repo:/Images/CCMCLogo" (this also loads successfully if I set the image source to it). What I'd like to do is check for the existence of "repo:/Images/" + $P{CustomerID} + ".jpg" in the Repository; if it exists then use it, else use "repo:/Images/CCMCLogo". However, I'm not sure what syntax to use to check for the existence of a resource - checking for it as a file always returns false. Here's the syntax I've tried: (new File("repo:/Images/" + $P{CustomerID} + ".jpg")).exists() ? "repo:/Images/" + $P{CustomerID} +".jpg" : "repo:/Images/CCMCLogo", and I've also tried it with isFile() instead of exists(), but it always returns false. Does anyone know how I can check for the existence of an image in the repository? Thank you! Shawn
  3. Hello, I'm pretty new to Jasper Reports but am very impressed with it thus far - what a great product! The problem I'm having is with formatting dates and numbers. I have patterns specified on the Text Fields in the report, and they apply correctly when I preview the report in iReport. However, when I upload it to Jasper Reports server and run the report, the number and date formats do not apply. For example: I have a series of date fields that are set with Expression Class "java.lang.string" and the pattern is set to "MMM yyyy". In iReport preview, the date displays correctly as "Mar 2011". On the Jasper Reports server, the same field, with no changes, displays as "2011-03-01" I also have numbers set to use "###0" that show "78" in iReport and "78.00" on JR server, and percentages set to "#,##0 %" that show as "34%" in iReport and "0.78" on JR server. I've attached "Jasper-correct.jpg" and "Jasper-incorrect.jpg" to illustrate the problem. Do you have any ideas? I've spent several hours reading through the Ultimate Guides for iReport and JasperReports, and scanning the forums on JasperForge, but have not found a solution yet. Thank you very much! Shawn
  4. Hello, I'm pretty new to Jasper Reports but am very impressed with it thus far - what a great product! The problem I'm having is with formatting dates and numbers. I have patterns specified on the Text Fields in the report, and they apply correctly when I preview the report in iReport. However, when I upload it to Jasper Reports server and run the report, the number and date formats do not apply. For example: I have a series of date fields that are set with Expression Class "java.lang.string" and the pattern is set to "MMM yyyy". In iReport preview, the date displays correctly as "Mar 2011". On the Jasper Reports server, the same field, with no changes, displays as "2011-03-01" I also have numbers set to use "###0" that show "78" in iReport and "78.00" on JR server, and percentages set to "#,##0 %" that show as "34%" in iReport and "0.78" on JR server. I've attached "Jasper-correct.jpg" and "Jasper-incorrect.jpg" to illustrate the problem. Do you have any ideas? I've spent several hours reading through the Ultimate Guides for iReport and JasperReports, and scanning the forums on JasperForge, but have not found a solution yet. Thank you very much! Shawn
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