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Everything posted by fabiolus

  1. Hey, Ive attached a screenshot.. I've still not been able to find a fix for this.. got a workaround though - manual upload via the web browser interface. There is no issue via the browser and the file is validated successfully.. The funny part is via iReport if i open the repository jrxml file and try to replace it without any changes it still gives the error At the same time i have reports that can be updated via iReport with no issues.. Thanks Fabs
  2. Hey Nitin, Thank you very much for your post - found the setting and made the changes thanks again On another note ive been receiving this error message Error 1-0 when i try to upload the jrxml file to jasperserver via iRport - the report previews well within iReport but i still get this issue I have tried to troubleshoot it and there doesnt seem to be a valid reason for this error ie on the query or the content of the report for eg added the report without any formatting - the repository accepted it - the moment i apply say a 'right align' or 'blank when null' and then add it to the repo i get Error 1-0 So im guessing it has something to do with the size of the file Is there a size limit to the jxrml file that can be stored in the repository? Thanks Fabs Post Edited by fabiolus at 12/14/2011 06:17
  3. Hi, I have jasperserver 3.7 running and i am trying to create drill down report In i report i have created the reports and added the hyperlinks to the field that needs to drill down. Ive used the ReportExecution type hyperlink and have added the report name and the parameter as the link parameters On running the report - i click on the link to drill down to the next report.. the server directs me to the right report however i am prompted for the parameter - the parameter exists in the url and the value is already in the input control that prompts for the parameter eg. if i want to see the report for CompanyID =101 the report url (after logging in) is something like: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&reportUnit=/reports/samples/AllAccounts&CompanyID=101 Now i get a prompt asking me for CompanyID and it already has the value 101 in it - if i click ok the report shows correctly Is this the actual behaviour of server or is there something that i have done wrong? If it is the default behaviour is there some setting where the server doesnt ask me for the parameter again and just takes the one passed into the url? Thanks in advance Fabs
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