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Everything posted by pieckm

  1. Any idea on what I would've had to do to get the APP driver working? I didn't have any particular preference on app versus universal. Along with a fellow iReport user here at work, we just tried various combinations of jars, zip files, and entries in that data source screen until something worked. It likely would've been easier to get the APP driver workign since iReport seems to natively know something about that driver, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.. Thanks Mike
  2. Thanks Matt. I finally did get this resolved. There were three issues and I include them here in case others come across this thread. Hopefully the folks at Jasper can help address the 2nd and 3rd points: · Ensure db2java.zip is in your classpath I already had db2jcc-V9-FP06.jar and db2jcc_license_cu-V9_FP06.jar, but these weren't enough At this point do not use the available DB2 driver in the Database JDBC Connection window, but instead manually key in com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver By default, iReport gives you COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver, perhaps this should be corrected Also, do not accept the JDBC URL form as generated by the wizard, your URL must be of the form jdbc:db2://<hostname>:<port>/<database> iReport omits the // Again, hopefully this can be corrected
  3. Thanks Matt - unfortunately, it was a datasource of type 'Database JDBC Connection' that I had tried to setup already. Mike
  4. Hello - I am working through the iReport tutorials and can connect fine to the sample database provided with Jasper. Howver, when I try to connect to my DB2 database the DB2 Driver shows as red in the connections wizard and I receive an error that the necessary Driver class cannot be found. I have added the Driver in the Services window and successfully setup a New Connection in the services window. I know it works since I was able to select a particular schema during the Services Connection setup process. I also ensured the two required IBM DB2 jar files are in the classpath (in Tools->Options->Classpath). I've even tried putting the two jars in the 'lib' directory of iReport. Any pointers appreciated. Thank you. Mike (iReport Designer 4.02, DB2 version 9 fixpack 6, windows server 2003)
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