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  1. Hello Thanks for your answer but as i said "I do not want the static field 3 inside of the sub-report" because i want a line around the sub-report and the title outside this line. And with this solution the title stays inside the line. See the Attachment please. Best regards, Carla
  2. Hi, Please help me, i have a deadline in my project and i don't know what to do. My question is the same for the folowing example. Imagine that we have a report to print in A4 vertically like this: 1. Static field 1 (is the title for the "Text field 1" but located in the top of the text) Text field 1 2. Static field 2 (is the title for the "Text field 2" but located in the top of the text) Text field 2 If the "Text field 1" is very big we may have the output of "Static field 1", "Text field 1", "Static field 2" in the 1st page and "Text field 2" on the 2nd page. How can i ensure that if the "Text field 2" apears in 2nd page then "Static field 2" have to pass to the same page. In other words how can i create a "anchoring" between this two elements? This is similar to the property "Page Protect" that exists in oracle report builder. Best regards, Carla carla_elisabete Wrote: I have a report with the following structure in the detail band: static field 1 text field static field 2 text field static field 3 - (Title for the sub-report) sub-report and somethimes (depending on the information present in the database) the static field 3 appears at the end of first page (alone) and the sub-report at the begining of the second page. I wanted this case the "static field 3" was to the 2nd page. I do not want the static field 3 inside of the sub-report. Please help me to find a solution to keep "static field 3" and "sub-report" always together. Thanks, Carla Code:
  3. I have a report with the following structure in the detail band: static field 1 text field static field 2 text field static field 3 - (Title for the sub-report) sub-report and somethimes (depending on the information present in the database) the static field 3 appears at the end of first page (alone) and the sub-report at the begining of the second page. I wanted this case the "static field 3" was to the 2nd page. I do not want the static field 3 inside of the sub-report. Please help me to find a solution to keep "static field 3" and "sub-report" always together. Thanks, Carla Code:<frame> <reportElement positionType="Float" x="0" y="519" width="511" height="17"/> <frame> <reportElement style="caixa" x="0" y="10" width="242" height="5"/> <subreport isUsingCache="true"> <reportElement positionType="Float" x="0" y="2" width="240" height="0"/> <dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[((net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource)$P{REPORT_DATA_SOURCE}).subDataSource("/rep1/qualificacao/pt/lingua_ucs")]]></dataSourceExpression> <subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["repo:SuplDiplPag1Linguas_PT.jrxml"]]></subreportExpression> </subreport> </frame> <staticText> <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="242" height="8"/> <textElement> <font fontName="Lucida Sans" size="5" isBold="false"/> </textElement> <text><![CDATA[2.5. Languages ​​of the disciplines ]]></text> </staticText> </frame>
  4. Hello I have an report with several fields but i don't know how to put an condition. Some of this fieds must be allways together in same page label1 field1 label2 field2 label3 field3 label4 field4 if one doesn't fit on one page all group must change to next page. I tried to see the frames but with no result Thanks in advance. Best regards Carla
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