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Posts posted by maiskip

  1. Thanks for that.  I fianlly got around to giving it another go and I did actually think I was getting somewhere at one point but it was not to be.  I have fields on my report but there is still no data despite the software having congratulated me on creating many reports.  I have no problem with Crystal, Cognos, Access, Excel and others but this one just isn't having any of it.  If I have problems at this stage then I don't really hold out much hope for my users so I think I am going to give this one a miss.

    Thanks anyway.

  2. I tried that thanks and watched the Podcast and I seem to be doing everything right but I still don't get any data back.  My test connection is successful though.  If I use the query wizard it does nothing.  However if I type in a simple SQL statement like "Select * from Supplier" directly in the query window I then get a list of fields from my supplier table?! Weird.  I can then select the fields I want and it says congratulations, you've created you report.  Unfortunately, there is nothing in it.

    I have also tried getting the Sample database working but when I do the Help- Samples - Run Sample Database bit I just get an error message there too:  "An error occurred whle starting up the sample database. Database not running. Check the log from the ......."    I viewed the log which means precisely nothing to me.

    Thanks for the reply.

  3. Hi, I have just downloaded iReports and I have fallen at the first hurdle as I can't get my database connection to work properly.   When I click 'Test' it tells me that the connection has been succesful.  I can also see the tables in my database in the next screen but I can't select any of them or anything from them.  

    I want to connect to our main system database which I normally connect via SQL, Access or Excel, etc.  I have a DSN set up which uses a Visual FoxPro Database driver.   Could someone give me an example of how to set up an ODBC connection through Jasper reports. (I assume I should be using the "Database JDBC connection" but I really could do with some syntax help from this point.

    I also can't find where to edit a connection once I have made it.

    I managed to create a report by pointing iReport at a csv but I cannot get it to talk to my visual foxpro database.

    Any advice very greatfully received please.



    Post Edited by maiskip at 06/29/2011 12:19
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