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Posts posted by shatad0101

  1. I have a Line chart where i have four series of categories like :- Revenue, Target, Cost and Gross Margin. And chart will have all four categories by default. Now I want to pass these categories through parameter(check-box) where user can select which category he wants to see in chart because sometime he just want to see revenue trend and not interested in target trend over the months for a year. Default value for the input control will be Revenue and if he wants to see target he can add a category series for Target by selecting Target check-box parameter. Something like this :-


  2. Hi,

    I am using JR Server 4.5 and I want to link a OLAP cube with any graph or text So I can create a drill down report. I am able to hyperlink any other report to any graph or text but i am not able to link OLAP report, its showing bellow error.


    The server has encountered an error. Please excuse the inconvenience.

    Error Message


    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching action map for resource class


    How can I link a OLAP report to any graph or text?


  3. I am also facing the same problem in passing parameter as input control from Main report to subreort report through

    Hyperlink in JR server 4.7, means if main report contain one input control and child report contains three input controls,  you linked

    child report to main report then you can’t select even input control are not visible in the child report, even i am not able to pass any input parameter.

    Is there any solution two solve this issue?

    Is this is a bug or a feature of JR server 4.7?

  4. I am also facing the same problem in passing parameter as input control from Main/Parent report to child report through Hyperlink in JR server 4.7, means if main report contain one input control and child report contains three input controls,  you linked child report to main report then you can’t select even input control are not visible in the child report.

    Is there any solution two solve this issue?

    Is this is a bug or a feature of JR server 4.7?

  5. Hi

    I am also trying to ByPass Login credentials in jasper server 4.5, so user can login directly without entering any username and password, this I have done by passing username and password directly in URL

              j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin *

    Now I want to hide these user credentials, so nobody can see the username and password.

    How can I hide these credentials?

    Post Edited by shatad0101 at 06/29/2012 14:27
  6. Hi

    I am also trying to ByPass Login credentials in jasper server 4.5, so user can login directly without entering any username and password, this I have done by passing username and password directly in URL

              j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin *

    Now I want to hide these user credentials, so nobody can see the username and password.

    How can I hide these credentials?

    Post Edited by shatad0101 at 06/29/2012 14:25


    i am new in jasperserver and trying to build jasperserver4.2.1 from its sources .I have downloaded jasperreports-server-cp-.2.1-src.zip file with jasperserver installation guide.

    I got stuck in chapter 3, step 3.4.12 it says-

    copy C:Program Files (x86)jasperreports-server-cp-4.2.1-srcjasperserverbuildomaticsample_conf

    mysql_master.properties file to C:Program Files (x86)jasperreports-server-cp-4.2.1-srcjasperserverbuildomatic and rename it to default_master.properties.

    Edit the new default_master.properties file and set the properties to your local settings:-- I have some confusion here does it required to set maven properties?

    I have added Tomcat path already.

    and in step 3.4.2 Refreshing your Buildomatic Settings i am not able to find clean-config and gen-config file in js-ant

    In step 3.5 Building JasperReports Server im anot able to find this path--


    Can anyone help me to install Jasperserver4.2.1? I am giving you the code of default_master.properties file.




    Post Edited by shatad0101 at 11/18/2011 06:00

    Post Edited by shatad0101 at 11/18/2011 06:01


    i am new in jasperserver and trying to build jasperserver4.2.1 from its sources .I have downloaded jasperreports-server-cp-.2.1-src.zip file with jasperserver installation guide.

    I got stuck in chapter 3, step 3.4.12 it says-

    copy C:Program Files (x86)jasperreports-server-cp-4.2.1-srcjasperserverbuildomaticsample_conf

    mysql_master.properties file to C:Program Files (x86)jasperreports-server-cp-4.2.1-srcjasperserverbuildomatic and rename it to default_master.properties.

    Edit the new default_master.properties file and set the properties to your local settings:-- I have some confusion here does it required to set maven properties?

    I have added Tomcat path already.

    and in step 3.4.2 Refreshing your Buildomatic Settings i am not able to find clean-config and gen-config file in js-ant

    In step 3.5 Building JasperReports Server i am not able to find this path--


    Can anyone help me to install Jasperserver4.2.1?

    i am giving the code of default_master.propertief file.




    Post Edited by shatad0101 at 11/18/2011 05:55
  9.  Hi ,

       Thanx for reply 


    Actually when i installed sql server it didnt ask me for any user name and password in windows authentication.

    Driver name --com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver



    i have downloaded ---- Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 3.0

    and put Sqljdbc4.jar in this

    -----location   C:\Program Files\jasperreports-server-cp-4.0.0\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver\WEB-INF\lib

    can you check whether it is right or wrong

  10. Hi


      I have one problem with connection of Ms Sql 2008 R2 for 32 bit with ireport 4.0.0,

    i have downloaded mn sql driver


    and put sqljdbc4.jar file in program file but still i am not able to connect.


    Actually i installed ms sql with windows authentication and when i try to make coooonection in i report and jasper server 

    it asking for user name ,and password in jasper server as well as in ireport.


    any one can help me please,

  11. Hi

    I am new in this field and i want to create my first mdx query in jasperserver but i dont have any idea

    about cube,schema.Please anyboby suggest me how to make cube,schema all these thing.

    and i m using jasperserver 4.0.0.Should i install any software for olap cube.


    Post Edited by shatad0101 at 07/01/2011 11:44
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