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  1. Hi All, I need to user crosstab to generate an iReport. As per the requirement I have to genetare the start date of the jobs and the background og those fields should vary as per the status of the job. The startus of the job is kert in one column of the table and the start dates in another. How can I assign two columns(variables in iReport) to a perticular field and use them as required?
  2. Hi Mabrabant, If your issue is only to get the jasperserver to run fine on any IE browser then it is working fine with IE8. I have tested it.You can upgrade your IE from version 7 to 8 in your case. I am also facing the same issue as of Mabrabant when I try to access the server through IE7. I also tried it with IE6,in this case I am getting the screen as attached. I need to run it on all the IE versions. I checked with the css files,they provide separate css for IE7 and IE8.Please help me in achieveing it for IE6 and can anybody tell why there is an error with IE7 when there is a separate css for it.
  3. I am using Jaspersoft 4.0 .I am unable to get the login page for jasperserver on IE6 and with IE7,when tring to create a datasource the page submission ends up in the following error. Problem with this Web page might prevent it from being displayed properly or functioning properly. Line: 631 Char: % Error : Exception thrown and not caught Code: 0 URL :<server-path>/jasperserver/flow.html?_flowid=searchFlow Please guide me to customize my jasperserver so that I can access it on IE6 and IE7. It is working fine on IE8.
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