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Everything posted by rashmi_prabhu

  1. I had installed jasperserver 4.0.1 and currently i want to install 4.2.1.While uninstalling the previous one,its giving me this error. Problem running post-install step.Installation may not complete correctly Error running /opt/jaspereports-server-cp-4.2.1/apache-ant/bin/ant import-ce-DimportFile=install_resources/export/js-catalog: Build Failed /opt/jasperreports-server-cp-4.2.1/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:244:the following error occurred while executing this line: /opt/jasperreports-sever-cp-4.2.1/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:152:Java returned:255 Can anyone help me out in this
  2. Hi, I have a requirement wherein I need to create a dimension which will act as filter.Now on the basis of this filters numbers of measures to be displayed are changed For eg.I have one dimensions as Product and which has values as "Electronics" and "Sports" .Now if the user selects Electronics as filter particular measure,Profit should be displayed and if user selects Sports, Quantity in stock should be displayed.How can this be implemented
  3. In iReport go to Tools>Options>Classpath Here add the jar file of your driver.
  4. Hi, There is requirement where in the user should be able to select atmost 7 values out of 10 of particular input control in jasper server in multi select query.Can this be implemented??
  5. Hi all, Is there any prorperty in fusion charts where we can get the position of values in x axis?? Please reply asap
  6. Can someone help me out to create trend line vertically in charts to differentiate data at different values
  7. Hi, Im creating olap cubes using JasperAnalysis Workbench.I have created Roel based Olap cubes but is it possible to create user based Olap cubes. Please reply asap. Thanks
  8. I didnt get the solution you provided. Can u please elaborate how to export a dashboard to pdf format where do I need to edit the properties in scripts
  9. Ya there it has been connected.In log file i have this: WARN LoggerListener,Authentication event AuthenticationSuccessEvent. Do i need to make any changes in JasperServer?
  10. I have logged in liferay as bruno admin because I was unable to login as test nor Portal Organization is getting created.I have created a user as bruno in Jasper.Where am i goin wrong?
  11. Even im gettin same error.In jasper Report Server Admin guide it has been written that once liferay and jasper are being integrated automatically ROLES_PORTLET and user gets created who can access the portlet but its not being getting created in my case.So i created a user same as in Liferay in Jasper Report Server but then too its showing the same error.Does anyone know how to resolve this issue.
  12. Hi, Can anyone provide me link to download jasperserverportlet.war file.Im unable to find it
  13. Hi, Can anyone provide me the link to download jasperserverportlet.war file.I am unable to find it Thanks
  14. Hi, I am new to iReports and currently i am using iReport 4.0.2.Please someone help me in my query I have a main report which has a subreport in it.The subreport retreives data from excel sheet.I followed following steps to retreive data 1..In subreport properties i chose connection type as datasource expression. 2.In datasource expressioni wrote new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXlsDataSource(new File("path of xls file")) When i compile subreport individually it gives report correctly but when i try to retreive data through main report it gives me following error Error filling print...net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException:Unknown Column name:XYZ Thanks and Regards
  15. Hi, I have a main report through which i want to access subreport.Im using excel sheet as datasource for subreport .when i compile subreport individually it provides me answer but when i try to see answer through mainreport its showing me blank pages.Can anyone help me out in this?
  16. Hi, I am new to ireport so can anyone help me out. I have an excel sheet with me in which there are two sheets,Sheet1 and Sheet2.Now im using this excel sheet as datasource to produce reports in ireport.But when i try to retreive data its showing me data of sheet1 only.so can anyone suggest me how to retreive data fom both the sheets.
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