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Everything posted by phgaudin

  1. Hi, I just downloaded and installed iReport 4.5.0 and... it is really slow. I think the issue is due to memory usage because it is using much more memory than the 4.1.3. Philippe
  2. Hi Teodor, First of all, thanks for your reply /tools/fckeditor/editor/images/smiley/msn/wink_smile.gif ! I do not complain at all about the quality of the charts in PDF ! They are great when rendered in vectorial. My only issue is about charts in XLS, PPT,... which are rendered as bitmaps. The solution I found in the forum message I refered had a drawback : with that solution all charts are rendered as bitmaps, even when exported in PDF. The solution I suggested allows, from the same JasperPrint, to export the JasperPrint : to PDF as vectorial (with optimal quality), to XLS, PPT,... as bitmap with the possibility to change the "resolution" of the generated bitmaps (by changing a property)... so that you get best of both worlds ! I think that the code provided in the first message of this thread could be used as a - hopefully - good starting point... Kind regards, Phil
  3. Hi all, By default the quality of the rendered charts is too bad to be usable when a JasperReport is exported in XLS, PPT,... I found a possible solution in www.jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php but the problem with this solution is that all charts are rendered as bitmap images, even when exported to PDF. I needed a solution that allows the chart to be redered in : a "vector" format (ie DRAW) when exported to PDF a good quality bitmap when exported to XLS, PPT,...The solution I found (inspired by the one of rckrll106) is to enhance the getImageData() of the net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRAbstractSvgRenderer class : public byte[] getImageData() throws JRException { Dimension2D dimension = getDimension(); if (dimension != null) { int imageDPI = JRProperties.getIntegerProperty("net.sf.jasperreports.svgrenderer.chart.dpi", 72); double scale = ((double) imageDPI) / 72d; byte imageType = getImageType(); BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage( (int) (scale * dimension.getWidth()), (int) (scale * dimension.getHeight()), // avoid creating JPEG images with transparency that would result // in invalid image files for some viewers (browsers) (imageType == JRRenderable.IMAGE_TYPE_GIF || imageType == JRRenderable.IMAGE_TYPE_PNG) ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ); Graphics2D g = createGraphics(bi); g.scale(scale, scale); Color backcolor = getBackcolor(); if (backcolor != null) { g.setColor(backcolor); g.fillRect(0, 0, (int) (scale * dimension.getWidth()), (int) (scale * dimension.getHeight())); } render(g, new Rectangle((int) dimension.getWidth(), (int) dimension.getHeight())); g.dispose(); return JRImageLoader.loadImageDataFromAWTImage(bi, getImageType()); } return null; } You can then change the quality of the rendered charts by adding - in the jasperreports.properties - the net.sf.jasperreports.svgrenderer.chart.dpi property and setting it to (for example) 200. What do you think about this solution ? Is there any chance to integrate it in one of the next releases of JasperReports ? Regards, Phil Post Edited by phgaudin at 05/25/2011 05:58
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