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Everything posted by nageswari

  1. Hi, I want to generate a report getting data from database having xmldatasource in blob field. Is it possible? then how to do? from xml file we can.but i want from database blob field(xmldata) in a table. if any one knows please reply this... Advance thanks
  2. Try this... Your Tomcat webapps location inside the jasperserver/META_INF/context.xml file in that database connection configuration is there in that you have to check the database connection url.. Example <Resource name="jdbc/jasperserver" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000" username="jasperdb" password="password" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" validationQuery="select 1" testOnBorrow="true" url="jdbc:mysql://" /> Here you have to check the database username password and url everything is correct.. work/Catalina/localhost/jasperserver.xml in that file also you have to check If everything is fine then sure it will work
  3. Hi, I have created Report using iReport. I installed jasperserver in one machine. From iReport i can access the jasperserver repository through URL. so i can put and move the reports in a jasperserver. ntegrating jasperserver with my application I can call the jasperserver page from my applicationthrough iframe. Now my problem is the username and password is showing in the URL in that i not yet get the clear solution..(Any one knows please give to me a solution)...Otherwise sigle sign on from my application how to do... I am new of spring JPivot wcf... I couldn't understand Otherwise using CAS how to do?.... CAS also new concept of me i try to understand but technically how they work how to implement ... I want to run reports from my application. i confused what i want to do next.. please any one knows reply me
  4. ernestoo Wrote: You can pass in something like this with the URL to authenticate &j_username=jasperadmin&j_password=jasperadmin when i try to access the url from our application(.jsp file using javascript window.open) in a new window here password is visible to the address bar. So how to encrypt the password or using applicationContext-securituy-web.xml file how to do? please reply anybody knows
  5. How to bypass login page from applicationContext--security-we.xml where i want to change the code
  6. Hi, Thanks for ur reply That's fine but but i need to provide the design page to the webuser.In that they select the tables what they want to view the report Actually I am expecting web design tool for designing & Generating Reports (like after connecting database showing all tables, in that user ie,web browser can select the column for particular table in that create a query ,build the report and then view the report as pdf).Here i am expecting web design tool like iReport but unfortunately iReport is a standalone application Thanks Nageswari
  7. Thanks for reply what i am trying to say iReport is the Best tool for creating JRXML file. Using that i have connected to my database and generated the JRXML file in that i changed the HQL query and save it my file system.JasperReports API using that i show the Report in a PDF format. Right now iReport is the standalone Application. My Question is Shall I Integrate iReport with in my Application? because of the user can design & generate our own Report with in the application. Thanks & Regards Nageswari
  8. Hi everybody, I can design JRXML file using iReport and able to view report in our application.I want to design the JRXML file in design mode in our web application, is any possiblities are there to do this? Thanks & Regards Nageswari
  9. Hi, I am new to JasperReportsServer. while installing JasperReportsServer MysqlConfiguration The second option i choose an "existing MySQL" I have connected the MySql Databases in a Remote System in that it will ask the Mysql Binary location But JasperServer Installation Giude mention "Binary location should be a local machine" how can i set the mysql binary location for my Remote Machine any solution for this please reply..
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