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  1. I've started using ireport recently and maybe it's so easy to do it's silly to ask, but I have the following problem: I'm designing a report that has one report group. After each group I have to show a a lot of subtotals, which I put on the group footer band. Also I've put the field names of the fields and variables I'm showing in the group header band and I've checked "reprint header" because I want them to show on the top of each page. The subtotals are fairly long and complex and I want to put them in its own page, so at the beginning of the group footer band I've added a page break. The problem is that on the page that the group footer shows the group header also shows (I've checked the reprint header option, so no suprise here) and I don't want it. I've tried playing without luck with the "print when expression" property of the group header and I really don't know what else to try. Any help would be appreciated. Post Edited by jomateix at 05/20/2011 15:54
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